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General Hospital Spoilers: Did Real Andrews Get Fired?

What’s going on here? A lot of General Hospital fans can’t help but wonder what’s going on with Real Andrews these days as it’s been a very long time since he was last seen on the canvas. The actor, who is best known for his role as Taggert on the hit ABC soap, thankfully set the record straight about his status on the show. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

General Hospital Spoilers: Did Real Andrews Get Fired?

Because so many fans were asking about him and why his on-screen character has been missing from the canvas, Real took to his Instagram account to clarify a few things. He started off by saying, “I appreciate your support at this point it’s really gonna up to you guys — and God, first and foremost. If God wants me back, I’ll be back, but also with your support — you guys have a very loud voice, especially in today’s day and age, so between God and you all making a bunch of noise. If it’s meant to be, I’ll be back and if I’m back, I’ll bring it, you know? That’s what I do.”

The last time that fans really got to see Taggert in action was during the summer of 2023. During that time Real admitted that his character was going through a very emotional time. The actor puts it this way, “He didn’t go to Jordan to cry, to open up to her, but he finds himself in that moment with her and the writing is so freaking brilliant. Taggert is always so stoic. He’s always been that tough guy that doesn’t really show emotion. But here, you’re going to see 27 years of pent up emotion come unraveled. He’s spiraling and the alcohol is obviously a part of it. And when he’s talking about what he’s going through, he’s triggered, you know?”

General Hospital Spoilers: What’s Next For Real Andrews?

So far the producers of the show have made no comments about the matter.

Of course, General Hospital fans will have to tune in to find out what will happen next! Until then, let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

Be sure to catch up with everything on GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news and updates.


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10 months ago

You can’t be fired when you’re not on contract.

10 months ago

So who do we “make noise” to? It makes no sense for him not to be there, especially now with what Trina’s going through. He may or may not be her bio dad, but he raised her and they shared a deep connection, and love. Jordan offered him the Police Commissioner job, and he never gave her an answer. Now all of sudden, Anna’s got the job. Taggart would, at the very least, call Trina to see how she’s doing and explain his absence. When Cyrus, who hurt Taggert’s wife and “daughter” was released from prison, Taggert should have been around and constantly in his face warning him to stay away from the people he cared about. He never liked Sonny much, but they found common ground about Cyrus, and worked together to bring him down. Why not bring him back as an ally to help Sonny find his rat? There are hundreds of storylines they could involve him in. And if they aren’t going to, then tell us why. Cause last I saw he was sitting in Kelly’s spiking his coffee with something much stronger. Did it make him magically disappear? 🙄🙄

10 months ago
Reply to  Marci

Totally agree with you completely…

Toni Epstein
Toni Epstein
10 months ago

They have dropped a major scene where Trina’s mother looked at a report on her new husband realizing that he can’t possibly be Trina’s dad. Since there was already such a mess and her marriage, the lies, Taggert’s actions, she let it stand with the wrong DNA results. I have don’t actually watch any of the soaps. I read all of the things that are written. Maybe that is the reason why I remember things like this when it doesn’t stick with their recall. I like Taggert because he hasn’t manipulated the truth like some of the others changing their lives to fit what they want it to be. It always hurts the main characters.

10 months ago

Bring Andrew back..What would even cross your mind to let him go or go get rid of him..He is a phinomal actor and so loved as Taggert..Get it together GH.. thank you.

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