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General Hospital Spoilers: Fans Are Just Not Feeling Jason Morgan’s Return For This Reason

It might be just a little bit too late for this. General Hospital spoilers say that Steve Burton is back, but it seems like there aren’t many people out there who are waiting at the edge of their seats to see him in action again. Even though it was announced that his first air date as Jason Morgan would be on March 4th, General Hospital fans have made it clear that they are going to be tuning out rather than tuning in. Here’s why.

General Hospital Spoilers: Fans Are Just Not Feeling Jason Morgan’s Return For This Reason

The last time that fans saw Steve Burton on General Hospital was back in November 2021. Both he and his former co-star Ingo Rademacher were given the boot for not complying with the ABC network’s vaccine mandate at the time. Ingo went on to sue the network while Steve found a new home at Days of Our Lives. Well, fast forward more than two years later and Steve is back in General Hospital, but it seems like the momentum might be gone.

Some General Hospital fans have taken to social media to comment on the matter with, “Hard to not wonder if he’s infected, or infecting, other cast members and crew. Is he going to have any lines or just the same old Jason, no words,” along with, “Super excited, he brings back the umph to the show! Easy on the eyes as well. Hope he has had his vaccinations. There are some others on the show that need to be taken protected.”

General Hospital Spoilers: What’s Next For Jason Morgan?

And then there was this comment as well: “Not excited at all. To be honest this show is now boring without Esme. Another amnesia story when he comes back, like they did last time he came back?”

Of course, General Hospital fans will have to tune in each and every day to find out what will happen next. General Hospital airs on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, Hollywood actors, and reality television stars. We’ve got you covered.


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1 year ago

I don’t really care if he comes back. Everyone else took the shot. I’d rather that Esme come back. Tired of STONE COLD.

1 year ago
Reply to  bebesmom

The vaccine mandate was lifted awhile ago. You don’t know if any of the newer cast members have had the shot or not. And it’s really no ones business. The ones who feel the need for protection got it and probably the boosters also. Anyone who feels they are at risk can take their own precautions. Covid is now like the flu. Do you know how many people never get a flu shot? Do you need a list of which cast members did so you can hate the others and not watch them? The GH producers and higher ups would not have asked him back if they felt there was anything to worry about. I, myself got the shots, because I have a lot if health issues. But I have friends and family members who have their own reasons for not getting it. I have spent time with all of them, and never got Covid. I’ve had a few hospital stays recently, for kidney and heart issues, and been at my most vulnerable to catch something. I haven’t even caught a cold, so obviously my shots are protecting me from all those awful people who made PERSONAL CHOICES not to get it. Frankly, I’m so sick of hearing about the dang vaccine and who did or didn’t get it! You do whats right for you and yours, and let everyone else do the same. Or put yourself in a bubble and stay away from all people and places, cause you never know what kinds of germs are floating around out there. 🙄 Not much of a life, but hey, you wouldn’t get sick….

As for the rest of this article, there are MANY, MANY more fans who are excited and happy for “Jason’s” return than those who aren’t. They might not be as hateful and vocal as the ones who aren’t, but don’t try to make it sound like none of the GH fans want him back. We do.


[…] ALSO READ – General Hospital Spoilers: Fans Are Just Not Feeling Jason Morgan’s Return For This Reason […]

1 year ago

I’m not really excited about his return to General Hospital. I enjoyed his former role on Days of Our Lives and will be very sad to see him end his time on that show. Harrison Michaels was an interesting role and he did things other than be Sonny and Carly’s go to guy and muscle.

1 year ago
Reply to  Barbara

That’s because Sonny and Carly aren’t on Days. 🙄 I love Harris too, but don’t see the character being that much different than Jason.

1 year ago

Just wondering if the above post is the personal view of this spoiler site writers analysis or what has been assessed from reading miscellaneous spoiler sites. There are always ones trying to stir up trouble here and there for their personal agendas. More than sure if ABC/Disney felt there would be a problems as mentioned above, they would not have welcomed him back to set. Just my opinnion.

1 year ago
Reply to  lbc

Jason get the jab!!!! Ugh

1 year ago

Not thrilled to have Jason back!!

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