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Tragic Details About Ivanka Trump

Ivanka Trump has certainly dealt with a lot of ups and downs these last several years. She went from being a red carpet darling in the celebrity world to an outcast, mostly because she decided to align with her father Donald Trump during his political campaign for the White House in 2016. Well, now that those days are in the past, Ivanka is trying to rebuild her image again. But it certainly hasn’t been easy. Here are just a few tragic details about Ivanka Trump’s life lately.

Tragic Details About Ivanka Trump

Ivanka Trump is trying her best to get back in the celebrity fold and it seems like the only person who is willing to stand beside her at red carpet events and parties is Kim Kardashian. And while there’s certainly nothing wrong with having a friend like Kim by yourself, a lot of people think that this just smells desperate for someone like Ivanka. After all, she used to rub elbows with the A-list elite and now she’s clinging on to a reality television star for mere survival.

If that weren’t enough, Ivanka Trump has been trying her best not to make any more negative headlines. She’s even distanced herself from her father, Donald Trump, much to his dismay. She just doesn’t want to be associated anymore with him, his controversies, or his 2024 campaign for the White House. 

As much as Ivanka is trying to get rid of the stigma from the last several years, she can’t get rid of it altogether. Back in November 2023, she was forced to testify in the Trump Organization’s fraud case. According to CNN, Donald Trump and three of his adult children – with Ivanka included – had to give their witness testimony in the civil fraud trial brought by the New York attorney general’s office. For Ivanka, it was absolutely mortifying. 

What’s Next For Ivanka Trump?

So far Ivanka Trump herself hasn’t made any comments about her future plans, but a lot of people think that she’s going to do her best to be back in the spotlight as long as it’s far, far away from Washington, D.C.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more juicy drama to come.

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