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General Hospital Spoilers: There’s A New Theory About Pikeman And Jerry Jacks

Who is Mr. Brennan Pikeman and what is it that he wants in this fictional town of Port Charles? That’s what a lot of General Hospital fans are asking as the mystery surrounding Pikeman, and who he may be after, is growing by the day. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

General Hospital Spoilers: There’s A New Theory About Pikeman And Jerry Jacks

Who is Pikeman? While we know that he’s charming, he’s handsome, and he comes from a land Down Under, there are some General Hospital fans who think that he comes with some history, too. While we know that he has a connection to Carly Corinthos (who had also spent some time in Australia in the past), some fans think he might be Jerard “Jerry” Aloysius Jacks. He was the ultimate playboy that was last seen on the canvas back in 2015. Did Jerry come back to deliver a message to Carly? The last that fans had heard about him was in 2019, during a chat between Robert and Jax. Back then it was revealed that Jerry had escaped from Steinmauer and Robert threatened to find him.

It goes without saying that many General Hospital fans sure have their theories as to who Pikeman might really be on the show. Some have taken to social media to write comments such as, “The Australian accent, the mannerisms, and the swagger in his voice all seem very finely tuned and with a purpose to me. Wait and see obviously, but I think this is a recast (silver fox) Jerry Jacks, folks,” along with, “I thought it too but then thought, Jerry would get so much plastic surgery and infiltrate the WSB to come back to town for Sonny & Anna? His last fascination was Alexis, wasn’t it? Why Carly?”

General Hospital Spoilers: What’s Really Going On With Pikeman?

Another General Hospital fan wrote, “I had the same thought and trust me Jerry Jacks is my fave GH baddie so having him back on the canvas is the kind of hail Mary this awful Pijemsn SL needs but an accent alone does not a Sebastian Roche make.”

And then there was this comment as well: “I personally feel he’s too young. 25 years ago Jerry Jax almost married Carly’s mother. So my guess would be maybe a long-lost son from his wild teenage years?? LOL. But the writers keep rewriting history so who knows!”

So far the producers of General Hospital have made no comments about the matter. 


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