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Prince Harry And Meghan Markle: 3 Red Flags In Their Marriage

A lot of people can’t help but wonder what’s really going on between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in their marriage. Well, it seems like there are more red flags than green flags and that is certainly not a good sign at all. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Prince Harry And Meghan Markle: 3 Red Flags In Their Marriage

Royal Family News says that a lot of people can’t help but see some pretty startling red flags in Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s relationship. The first one, and probably the most obvious one, is that they’ve both isolated themselves from their families. Meghan has a history of not speaking to her relatives from the Markle family and has even been estranged from her father, Thomas Markle, since her royal wedding in 2018. Unfortunately, the same can be said about Prince Harry, too. Ever since he and Meghan moved from the UK to California, his relationships with his father, King Charles, and brother, Prince William has been strained.

The second red flag is how Harry and Meghan put up more of a showmance than a romance. Each and every time they are in public, the royal couple make it a habit of always showing some sort of public displays of affection. Some body language experts say that it even looks forced. It’s hard to call it love when you are only holding your spouse’s hand because the cameras are nearby.

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The third red flag is how uncomfortable and stressed Prince Harry looks in public. Each time he thinks the cameras are not looking at him anymore, the real Duke of Sussex comes out. One clear example was when he attended the Beyone concert with Meghan and Doria Ragland earlier in the month. During the entire time, Harry had his hands in his pockets or was looking at his phone and appeared to look like he wanted to be anywhere else but there. And while Meghan was dancing the night away nearby, Harry looked like he was there only because he didn’t have a choice.

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