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Kate Middleton Booed By Liverpool Crowd During Eurovision Performance

It looks like this was an entry that a lot of people simply didn’t expect. There are new reports that say even though her appearance was rather brief, it seems like Kate Middleton was booed by the Liverpool crowd during her Eurovision performance. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News: Kate Middleton Booed By Liverpool Crowd During Eurovision Performance

Dressed in blue, a lot of people were quite surprised to see the Princess of Wales play the piano for a brief segment that was aired during the Eurovision finals this past weekend. However, there were a lot of anti-royalists who thought that the program should have focused more on the contestants than on the royal. That might have been one of the reasons why Kate Middleton was booed when she appeared on the big screen during the concert. Clearly, there are a lot of people out there who would rather watch the real performances than watch Kate Middleton play the piano for a few brief seconds. That, or people are simply getting bored of the royal family at this point.

Of course, many royal fans sure did have a lot to say about the matter on social media. Some commented with, “She got SOOOOOO BOOOOED by both the audience in the arena (love ya Liverpool) and most of SM – she got dragged, only the stans and press kissed her you know what over it,” along with, “So they ban Zelensky for Kate’s piano recital? Yeah – bad move by the Eurovision powers that be, the Ukrainians were not happy about it even the Prime Minister said he should have been allowed to address them. They did win it last year after all.”

Royal Family News: The Crowd Wasn’t Impressed With The Princess of Wales

Another critic wrote, “It’s no wonder Kate Middleton got booed by the crowd. First American Idol and now Eurovision. The royals are getting rather desperate. I guess Will needs something to put in his ITV documentary.”

So far Buckingham Palace has not made any comments about the matter. Watch this space.

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