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Chart Topper Kylie Minogue Also Turned Down Her Invitation To Perform At King Charles’ Coronation

Does this mean that Kate Middleton will be forced to play the piano again in front of the cameras? Maybe, maybe not. There’s a new report that says if there’s one place that Kylie Minogue won’t be on May 6th, it’s on a stage performing for King Charles in London. That’s because the Australian chart topper reportedly turned down her invitation to perform at the Coronation, too. And no, she’s not the only one, either. Here’s what you need to know.

Chart Topper Kylie Minogue Also Turned Down Her Invitation To Perform At King Charles’ Coronation

Along with a host of other celebrities like Harry Styles, Ed Sheeren, and Adele, Kylie Minogue has also declined her offer to perform at the Chubbly. For Kylie though, it makes more sense seeing how she’s Australian and not British like the other performers.

A spokesperson for Kylie told The Mail on Sunday, “She was approached by the team that has been tasked with getting a great line-up of stars and there has been some back and forth. However, she has very recently decided that she doesn’t think it is the right thing to do. While Kylie has been an honorary Brit for many, many years, and admires the royal family and everything that they do, she is also a passionate Australian and has read the room in a country that could very soon become a republic.”

What’s Next For King Charles?

The spokesperson added, “Kylie very much regrets that she isn’t able to perform at the King’s coronation concert as she will be out of the country. This is hugely disappointing for Kylie, who has met King Charles many times and has a very good relationship with him. She has sent her best wishes to King Charles for this historic occasion.”

As many of her fans know, Kyle decided to move back to her native Australia from Lonon because she wanted to spend more time with her family. Now, whether or not the royals will manage to get an A-list star to perform for King Charles’ big night remains to be seen. So far it’s been slim pickings. 

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