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The Bold and the Beautiful Fans Frustrated Over The Writing On The Soap

Let’s just say that for some people, enough is enough. The Bold and the Beautiful fans have not been shy about expressing their complete dissatisfaction over the writing on the soap lately. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

The Bold and the Beautiful Fans Frustrated Over The Writing On The Soap

It seems like many people just feel none too pleased with the direction that some of the storylines are going in. Not only that, but they also think that the dialogue has been subpar and that some changes need to be made before the soap continues to decline in viewership.

That, and they’ve also pointed out the supposed “misogyny” that the female characters have been struggling with.

It goes without saying that the internet certainly did have a lot to say about the matter.

Some have even commented with, “Some people are saying it’s Steffy’s fault. Other people are saying it’s Hope’s fault. No, it’s the writer’s fault for not being consistent and trashing the women on this show. Steffi, Brooke, Hope, and even Taylor deserve better empowering stories.”

Another fan wrote “It’s absolutely the writers fault. They’re horrible. They’re making the women either bullies or sad sacks who can’t live without a man. If they were to have steffy and hope team up think of how powerful they could make them be together.”

What’s Next On The Bold and the Beautiful?

And then there was this comment as well: “Yeah, the writing is NOT satisfying at all lately, especially with this takeover storyline. It has gone absolutely nowhere, and only served to frustrate. I do not need perfect, likeable characters all the time, certainly not in a daily soap.”

“But I still need engaging storytelling that feels like it moves along through plausible, consistent character motivations, and pays off what it sets up.”

Of course, B&B fans will have to tune in each and every day to find out what will happen next.

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on the CBS network. Check your local listings for times.

Also, let us know what you think by leaving us a line right here. And don’t forget to come back for all the latest news and spoilers on your favorite soaps including The Bold and the Beautiful, The Young and the Restless, General Hospital and Days of Our Lives.


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