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General Hospital Spoilers: Carly’s Brain Damaged And Will Never Be The Same

General Hospital

General Hospital spoilers suggest that Carly’s brain is damaged and unfortunately, she will never be the same anymore. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

General Hospital Spoilers: Carly’s Brain Damaged And Will Never Be The Same

According to the latest spoilers, it seems like Carly doesn’t have long before the poison in her system does it job. Will she survive the attempt on Brennan’s life? That’s what fans want to know.

As many General Hospital fans are aware of, Carly took a sip of tainted champagne that was meant for Brennan. But now she’s in the hospital fighting for her life. And unfortunately for the beautiful blonde, things just won’t be the same for her ever again.

But as everyone in the soap opera world knows, you can always expect the unexpected, and even during the most dire of moments. Carly might not have taken her last breath yet, but her life is going to change as she and everyone else knows it.

Of course, the internet certainly did have a lot to say about the matter. Some have even commented with, “I hope Carly wakes up but Sonny needs to get rid of Valentin. Robin needs to come to help her!!!!! Bring Robin back for a visit.”

General Hospital Spoilers: Carly Might Not Have Taken Her Last Breath Just Yet

Another critic wrote, “Well the antidote is here unless Carly has more danger in store for her. Carly had better survive. No reason to watch GH if Carly isn’t there.”

And then there was this comment as well: “So Carly pretty much saved Brennan’s life twice now. But I have a feeling that she’s not going to die. She can’t die. The show just wouldn’t be the same without her and everyone knows that.”

It goes without saying that General Hospital fans will simply have to tune in each and every day to find out what will happen next.

General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

Also, let us know what you think by leaving us a line right here. And don’t forget to come back for all the latest news and spoilers on your favorite soaps including The Bold and the Beautiful, The Young and the Restless, General Hospital and Days of Our Lives.


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[…] READ MORE: General Hospital Spoilers: Carly’s Brain Damaged And Will Never Be The Same […]

2 days ago

I hope she only remembers being in love with Jason.

2 days ago

Giving Carly brain damage will be the end of GH. They should just cx now with the writing of this show.

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