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Is Donald Trump Ready To Deport Prince Harry From America?

He’s made it clear whose side he’s on. There’s heavy speculation suggesting Donald Trump might press the red button when it comes to Prince Harry and ‘deport’ him from the United States. Seeing how he’s had visa trouble in the past and is yet to become a citizen of the United States of America, anything is still possible for the Duke of Sussex. And it looks like the former president is not willing to help him in any way, shape or form either. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Is Donald Trump Ready To Deport Prince Harry From America?

Is Donald Trump ready to deport Prince Harry from America? That’s what a lot of royal fans and critics can’t help but wonder. Just recently Trump suggested that the royals were too soft on Prince Harry and if he were to become president again in November, he is going to offer him no protection.

Trump even said, “I wouldn’t protect him. He betrayed the Queen. That’s unforgivable. He would be on his own if it was down to me.”

Of course, a lot of people couldn’t help but weigh in on the matter on social media. Some have even commented with, “He’s right. All the things they are said and done Harry and his wife it’s unforgettable and unforgivable. They disrespected the late Queen and didn’t care about Prince Philip in his last days with their Oprah stuff. They trashed the RF for money. Harry is a traitor,” along with, “Trump has no say so in the release of immigration records. The Executive Branch is a separate entity from the Dept of DHS. Immigration records are private by law. Trump is just running off at the mouth for clicks. He was POTUS in 2020.”

Royal Family News: What’s Next For Prince Harry?

Another critic wrote, “Trump had a soft spot for HLMQ, and I think he was genuinely baffled at H&M treatment of her,especially as she was grieving PP and battling her health problems!”

So far Prince Harry himself has not made any comments about the matter.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. 

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