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Prince William Selfish Move Before King Charles’ Death

Royal Family News suggests that Prince William is very eager for the throne so much so that he probably won’t wait for King Charles’ death before he makes his move for the crown. As many royal fans already know, King Charles had waited his entire life to be crowned King of England. But for the Prince of Wales, he’s not going to do the same and is even willing to take his father’s place – while he’s still alive, too. Here’s what you need to know.

Prince William Selfish Move Before King Charles’ Death

Apparently, Prince William is very eager to show the world that he can be the kind of king that everyone needs right now. Not only has he taken on more of a statesman kind of role, but he’s also said that he wants to show more leadership moving forward. In other words, he’s done with all of the royal engagements and public appearances at different museums and patronages throughout the UK. Prince William wants to be seen on more of a global scale. The only way to do that, of course, is to take on more initiatives as a leader.

Some critics believe that Prince William is making a very selfish move. He’s supposedly trying to push his own father out of the spotlight just to put himself in it. It’s a strategy that might work, or it might blow up terribly. But it’s a risk that the Prince of Wales is willing to take. Plus, he knows that he and Kate Middleton are far more popular than his father and his wife, Queen Camilla.

Royal Family News: Prince William Is Making A Huge Move

Prince William doesn’t want to wait until King Charles’ death to become King of England. He wants the crown and he wants the title as soon as possible. Yet, King Charles is only one year in the job and his own son is trying to take away something that he’s yearned for his entire life. Whether or not King Charles would be willing to abdicate from the throne remains to be seen. Watch this space.

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