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The Tragic Life Of Ingo Rademacher

General Hospital star Ingo Rademacher had unfortunately lost his court battle against ABC. His career has not been the same. The judge in the case sided with the network. 

The Tragic Life Of Ingo Rademacher

But Ingo’s opposition to getting the vaccine was based on his religious beliefs, which the judge didn’t seem to believe. 

According to reports, the judge in the case sided with the network, which maintained that Ingo’s opposition to getting the vaccine was based on his health reasons. Ingo slammed ABC with a wide-ranging civil rights lawsuit on constitutional grounds

He’s also been a vocal critic and very skeptical of vaccine efficacy and mandates on social media.

Last year, Ingo said that he didn’t comply with the network’s vaccine mandate because of his religious beliefs. 

The actor has even hinted on social media that he is completely against the vaccine. His attorneys at the time said, “ABC had a duty to accommodate Ingo. Instead, it put him through a sham process that was designed to fail, and which was meant to cover up the real reason for Ingo’s termination: his political views.”

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What’s Next For Ingo Rademacher?

He also said that he got fired because of his right wing beliefs. His filing also added that, “the show’s producers and writers did not like his comments about Donald Trump and restrictive Covid policies, so they wrote him off the show and decided to “recast” the role. That meant hiring somebody else to play Ingo’s character. 

There was a problem, though: Ingo was one of the most popular actors on General Hospital. He was under contract until June 2022 and the producers had previously discussed extending his deal. Criticism of Ingo’s political commentary also led to the creation of the #FireIngo, which was trending around the time ABC decided to axe him. 

So, instead of being honest with Ingo, ABC used the Covid vaccine policy as an excuse to get rid of him.”

And while no one really knows what the future holds for Ingo, things haven’t been looking so good for him so far. He was forced to pack up his home and move his family from California to Panama City, Florida in the hopes that he could find work in the entertainment industry somewhere on the East Coast

In the meantime, drop us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. 

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1 month ago

The Covid Scare: A Hoax being pushed for the agenda of the progressive left. The Covid jabs, paralyzed and killed people. Everybody should’ve stood up and denied the VAX. The entire hypocrisy around my body, I came to My choice didn’t apply when it came to this.. and because of his politics that’s really why they fired him. I think that’s horrendous and I hope people are waking up to what we hope is the end of ABC.

1 month ago

I don’t feel one bit sorry for him. He’s getting everything he deserves. Just like any other job, you don’t follow the rules, you get fired. Bring a law suits against the company and you’re an idiot.

1 month ago

I feel any employer should not have made it mandatory to get the Covid vaccine. There have been many people that have had life long illness after getting the vaccine. I myself was diagnosed with Giant Cell Artiritis after getting the vaccines. I now have and will for the rest of my life be getting infusions monthly. I feel bad for Ingo that he lost his job over this. It’s just not right! It will be a cold day in hell when government or an employer gives me an ultimatum over getting a vaccine ever again. Ingo wishing you nothing but the best!

1 month ago

Tragic Life? He lost his job because of his beliefs. Overall the “world” does not have religious convictions. If you want to work in this “world” you have to follow the guidelines that your boss (private industry) sets forth. If you don’t agree with their ideology based on your faith then it’s best to pursue your chosen profession with an organization that adheres to your religious beliefs. Mr. Rademacher was fired because he did not want to adhere to Disney/ABC medical policy. No one asked him what his religious beliefs were when he got that job, that would have be job discrimination.

Marion Stevens
Marion Stevens
1 month ago

If one of the reasons he was fired is because fo his political beliefs, than Nancy Lee Graham should be fired for her far left political views. She is very outspoken and radical .

1 month ago

I think its stypid to keep on about COVID, just drop it BOTH OF YE, KEEP JAX, PLZ PLZ PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 month ago

Pureblood and Unvaxxed! Total BS with ABC! Loved Jax’s character! Ingo should be glad he moved out of Woke California and moved to the great State of Florida!!
Florida has a great governor! Unlike the
Pathetic excuse for Governor Newskum who is letting his state burn due to dei!
How’s that working out for you!!
President Donald J Trump will Make America Great Again!

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