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Melania Trump Stands Her Ground Against Donald Trump

If there’s anything that we’ve learned about Melania Trump over the years, it’s that if she means something you better believe that she really means it and is not going to change her mind over it.

Melania Trump Stands Her Ground Against Donald Trump

There’s heavy speculation that suggests the new first lady is only going to live in Washington, D.C. on a part time basis. She’s already made it pretty clear that she wants nothing to do with the world of politics and would rather stay out of Washington as much as she can.

Of course, this is not good news for Donald Trump. Every president needs his first lady but Melania would rather split her time between West Palm Beach and New York City, where their son Barron is attending college.

Then again, it’s not like Melania was very active in her role during Trump’s first term anyway. She would rather not deal with all of the criticism and slander coming from the mainstream media. She’s been there, done that and certainly doesn’t want to go back.

Not only that, but Melania was also invited to the White House to meet with Jill Biden, but she refused her invitation. This is sending everyone a clear message that Melania doesn’t want to be in D.C.

But at the same time, a lot of people believe that this is a slap to the face to the American people. Being first lady of the United States is a prestigious honor and shouldn’t be taken for granted. Yet, that’s exactly what Melania is doing and a lot of people can’t understand why.

What’s Next For Melania Trump?

Some people think that Melania just wants to get away from her husband while others say she simply wants to live her own life. Whatever the case, it’s certainly not helping her reputation with the public at all.

So far Melania Trump herself has not made any comments about the matter although at this point it’s doubtful that anything will be said. Watch this space.

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I bet you
I bet you'd love to know huh?
3 months ago

I think that, as someone endorsing the young and the restless, you have no room to tall.

The general public is made up of 99% idiots with less than 3 digit iq’s. To slander someone’s name after forcing her to do something she didn’t want to do in the first place, it’s you people whos reputation should be slandered.

This country was founded on freedom, and you’re going against the ideals you preach by slandering her name over a decision she wasn’t given.

THIS is a perfect example of media bullshit. It’s biased, and that’s not what the media is for. Try reporting the news, not people’s opinions.

Last edited 3 months ago by I bet you'd love to know huh?
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