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Prince Harry Knows He’s Making A Huge Mistake With His Trip To Colombia

He was told from the very beginning that you can’t have one foot in and one foot out, but it seems like he is doing it anyway.

Prince Harry Knows He’s Making A Huge Mistake With His Trip To Colombia

There’s heavy speculation on social media that suggests Prince Harry knows that he’s making a huge mistake with his trip to Colombia.

That’s because it definitely looks like an official state visit by two members of the royal family when it’s not. And that’s the last thing that his father King Charles wants to see, yet Harry and his wife Meghan Markle are doing it anyway.

In his heart, the Duke of Sussex knows that he’s doing everything against the royal standards and morals that he was brought up by, but at this point it’s just too late to back out.

Then again, there’s been speculation from the start that all of this has been Meghan Markle’s idea. She’s the one who is pushing for all of these trips to Nigeria, Colombia, and whatever country is willing to invite them for the free publicity.

For Meghan, it makes sense to promote these trips as it not only puts them in the spotlight, but also makes it look like they are making a difference in the world, regardless if they are doing it as independent royals or for the monarchy.

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Either way, Prince Harry’s gut feeling is telling him that they should stop. Because the last thing that he wants to do is anger King Charles and his brother Prince William even more at home.

But Meghan doesn’t see it this same way. She sees the benefit of visiting these countries and of course, keeping their names in the headlines and at the end of the day that’s what she wants the most.

So far Prince Harry himself has not made any comments about the matter just yet but we will update you with all of the latest details once they come in.

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