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Kamala Harris Thinks Donald Trump Is Too Old To Be President

Is Donald Trump too old to be president? All of a sudden that seems to be a question that is on everyone’s minds and especially since Joe Biden just dropped out of the presidential race due to the decline in his cognitive health.

Kamala Harris Thinks Donald Trump Is Too Old To Be President

Not only that, but Kamala Harris and the Democratic party are now pushing the matter to the forefront, as they don’t think Donald should govern or be given another four years in the White House due to their age.

But are they right? Or are some critics just trying to make an excuse to help the Democratic party stay in power? 

Of course, many fans and critics alike sure did have a lot to say about the matter on social media. 

Some even commented with, “Remember, the same media telling you today that Kamala is ready to be President is the exact same media just last week telling you that Joe Biden was in perfect health to be President.”

Another critic wrote, “Trump is mentally brilliant. I am sure he would be glad to take a public cognitive test and he is very physically active, can remember names, details. Etc., far better than people far younger than he is plus keep a grueling schedule without missing a step. He is in great shape in every way.”

What’s Next For Donald Trump?

And then there was this comment as well, “No, he is not too old. Some men his age are aged and have suffered decline. Other men his age, my father included, are sharper and younger than men 15 or 20 years their junior.”

“Trump is among those who are young for their age. Biden was already aged and in significant decline three years ago when he was as old as Trump is now.”

So far Donald Trump has not made any comments about the matter, but there’s no doubt that he’ll have something to say about it sooner rather than later. Watch this space.

And there you have it, folks! Let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.

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