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DOOL Spoilers Update Friday, October 20: Sarah’s Reality Check,  Xander Rejects Sloan’s Strategy, Kayla In Trouble

DOOL Spoilers Update Friday, October 20: Sarah’s Reality Check,  Xander Rejects Sloan’s Strategy, Kayla In Trouble

Days Of Our Lives spoilers for Friday, October 20 indicate that Sarah Horton (Linsey Godfrey) gets a reality check. Xander Cook (Paul Telfer) doesn’t like Sloan Petersen’s (Jessica Serfaty) strategy. Kayla is in trouble and more.

Sarah Horton Doesn’t Like What Justin Kiriakis Has To Say

Days of Our Lives Spoilers reveal Sarah gets a reality check. Sarah has hired Justin Kiirakis (Wally Kurth) as her lawyer in this custody battle.

Sarah wants to keep Xander away from her newborn daughter and will do so at any cost. At least she believes she will use anything she has to so she can retain custody of her child.

Unfortunately, Sarah may not like being told just how dirty she has to play to get what she wants. Xander has done a lot of shady things and Sarah is going to have to bring up a lot of them.

However, Sarah may not want to get as dirty as she is going to have to so she gets her way. Is Sarah willing to hurt Xander to get what she wants?

DOOL Spoilers: Xander Cook Wants His Daughter

Xander will touch base with his lawyer as well. Xander has hired Soan because of how ruthless he knows she is. Sloan isn’t afraid to fight dirty or to step on people’s toes.

However, Xander really doesn’t want to hurt Sarah and believes they could work this out if she would agree. Can Xander and Sarah get things back on track with custody of their daughter?

Eric Brady (Greg Vaughan), will open up to Nicole about his and Sloan’s plans to adopt a child. Nicole wants Eric to be happy but she doesn’t want to see him with Sloan at all.

When the truth about Nicole’s baby comes out she won’t want to even see Sloan at all. What will Nicole say when she realizes that Eric is her baby’s father and Sloan tampered with the results?

DOOL Spoilers Update Friday, October 20: Sarah’s Reality Check,  Xander Rejects Sloan’s Strategy, Kayla In Trouble

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Kayla Johnson Is In Trouble Again

Alex Kiriakis (Robert Scott Wilson) will have an offer for Theresa Donovan (Emily O’Brien) that she may not be able to refuse.  Of course, Alex and Theresa have been sleeping together for a while now.

Alex could certainly offer her something along those lines. However, rumors suggest that Alex may offer Theresa a very high-profile job. Is Theresa ready for the corporate world?

Kayla Johnson (Mary Beth Evans) will find herself in a mess of trouble once again. Kayla has already allowed Dimitri Von Leuschner (Peter Porte) to set the drop on her and tie her to a bed.

Will Kayla get into more trouble over Dimitri’s escape? Could Kayla be in trouble for agreeing to go over another doctor’s work to get rid of Dimitri?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with DOOL right now. Come back here often for Days Of Our Lives spoilers, news, and updates.


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