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General Hospital Spoilers: Laura Pushes Nik to Embrace Spencer — But His Son Has Other Plans

General Hospital Spoilers: Laura Pushes Nik to Embrace Spencer — But His Son Has Other Plans

General Hospital spoilers reveal Laura Collins (Genie Francis) has her work cut out for her if she thinks she’s going to play a role in reuniting her family in the new year. Laura is a busy woman, and she tries to let her son settle his own affairs, but the constant back and forth on his support of his own son has left Laura wondering what is really going on at Wyndemere.

When she stops by unannounced, Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma) will seem just as put off as he was the night he bumped into her on the pier waiting for the launch. It never used to be a problem for Laura to stop by without warning, and now suddenly it seems to leave Nikolas feeling rather unnerved. What is going on with him?

General Hospital Spoilers — Nikolas Has More Than One Secret

It might seem like Nikolas is consumed by his succulent hostage situation, but he’s hiding more than meets the eye on Spoon Island. Sure, he has a pregnant prisoner locked away in the north tower waiting to have his baby, but Nikolas is also concealing the truth about his feelings as well. In the midst of trying to make sure as little damage as possible comes from his alleged affair with Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst), Nikolas is hiding the fact that he really does want to make amends with his son, Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Chavez). However, he knows how difficult that is going to be while he’s about to have a child with Spencer’s ex-girlfriend.

Furthermore, Nik may be starting to feel more than resentment for Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl), too. His mom isn’t going to pick up on any of that just yet, but she will be able to tell Nikolas really does love his son and wants him near; so why is he pushing Spencer away?

GH Spoilers Tease Spencer is Done Vying for Nik’s Attention

Little does Laura know, Spencer doesn’t need her to fight his battles for him. In fact, he’s done fighting this battle entirely. Laura might long to see her son and grandson back in one another’s good graces, but Nikolas knows it’s not possible, and Spencer’s mood has shifted from one that longed for his dad’s affection and approval to one that longs to teach his dear old dad a lesson.

General Hospital Spoilers — Father and Son Will Share More Than Just Esme

Spencer could hardly put into words how disgusted he was with his father to hear Nik has had yet another affair. He’s going to start questioning why he ever looked up to him when Nikolas is clearly not an honorable man. Stepping out on his wife with his son’s girlfriend was a new low for Nikolas, and Spencer sees no better way to make Nikolas understand how both he and Ava Jerome Cassadine (Maura West) felt than to inflict the same pain upon him. How will Nikolas feel when he finds out Spencer and Ava have sealed the deal the same way he and Esme did — and just might really fall for one another in the process? Stay tuned for more General Hospital news and spoilers to find out.

Photo Credit: ABC Press


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