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Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Is Eric Nicole’s Baby Daddy?

Days of Our Lives spoilers say that this week viewers are going to find out who Nicole’s baby daddy is. And of course, everyone has their guesses as it might be Eric just as much as it might be EJ. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Is Eric Nicole’s Baby Daddy?

According to the latest Days of Our Lives spoilers, Sloan takes matters into her own hands and takes a q-tip and places it in a small bag. Of course, Eric wants to know what’s going on so Sloan brings him up to speed with Nicole’s pregnancy. Elsewhere, EJ finds out about the truth and asks Nicole to tell him the truth. And that same moment, Kayla calls in with the results. Talk about some major drama!

Of course, there were a lot of Days of Our Lives fans that shared their speculation over this baby daddy storyline on social media. Some have even commented with, “We know it’s going to be Eric, so there is no suspense. There is no way that Ron would deny the Ericole fans this baby. I know many of us on here aren’t Ericole fans, but they do still have a strong base of support,” along with, “I want it to be EJ’s mostly because Nicole and Eric are not a viable couple anymore. They tried too many times and none was successful, so time for each to move on. Plus Nicole was able to conceive with EJ before (even though sadly she miscarried) but as far as I know, never with Eric, so maybe they can’t conceive a child together for some reason.”

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: EJ Demands To Know The Truth

Another Days of Our Lives observer added, “I want it to be EJ’s. We all know it’s a risky pregnancy and Nicole is going to need help. Offering help to someone else is Eric’s natural behavior, but not EJ’s so it would be more fun to watch him in that situation.”

Of course, Days of Our Lives fans will have to tune in  to find out what will happen next! In the meantime, let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. Days of Our Lives airs weekdayson the Peacock network. Check your local listings for times.

Be sure to catch up with everything on DOOL right now. Come back here often for Days of Our Lives spoilers, news and updates.



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