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General Hospital News: Is Nancy Lee Grahn In Trouble?

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When it comes to someone like Nancy Lee Grahn, you can almost bet that the General Hospital star is someone who always has something to say, regardless of what others think about her. 

General Hospital News: Is Nancy Lee Grahn In Trouble?

Well, a lot of the things Nancy says on social media can easily get any of her fellow soap opera stars or even Hollywood celebrities in trouble. But that never seems to be the case with Nancy. Yet, she often says things that are very controversial.

Earlier this month Nancy was slammed for her rudeness towards a Hollywood star. 

Sharing a video of Dennis Quaid at a Trump rally in Coachella, California, Nancy wrote, “My condolences to Meg Ryan and her son Jack and to the death of whatever might’ve remained of Dennis Quaid’s shockingly lucky career.”

Also, there are still a lot of people who are putting the blame on Nancy Lee Grahn for General Hospital’s poor ratings lately.

In fact, Nancy gets so heated about her opinions and what’s going on with the presidential election that a lot of people think that she should just keep her opinions to herself.

She’s also a huge supporter of the Democratic party and doesn’t seem to agree with anyone who doesn’t also agree with her own morals and standards.

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​​Nancy recently wrote on her X (formerly Twitter) account about Donald Trump, “He’s unquestionably mentally incompetent. He’s also an adjudicated rapist w/ multiple indictments & a litany of other well evidenced egregious offenses.”

“YET, THIS RACE IS UNIMAGINABLY NECK & NECK. We must accept that there are unhinged Americans to threaten r Democracy. VOTE!”

The General Hospital star also wrote, “You’d be surprised that many Daytime Actors either don’t vote or vote red. I will take that list to my grave………. or maybe even write about it in a book. As they say…….Stay tuned.”

If that weren’t enough, she also wrote, “This election in Nov is about our freedom & our hard fought 4 Democracy. I can’t excuse anyone who votes red or doesn’t vote which is the same knowing what we know or should know.”

So far Nancy herself has made no comments about the matter.

Let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.

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[…] ALSO READ –  General Hospital News: Is Nancy Lee Grahn In Trouble? […]

3 months ago

She is entitled to her opinion..but some things she needs to leave alone..and why is GH not all over her like others who speak out.. l ignore her opinion cause l don’t care ..l do my thing and that’s what matters to me

Toni Epstein
Toni Epstein
2 months ago

I am a Republican, also a woman. Nancy has the right to have her own opinion. Her problem is not accepting any other person to have an opinion not in line with her.
I object to the Republican Party not allowing women to have the right to govern her own body. It started out the Republicans didn’t want the government paying for the termination of a pregnancy. So, they have worked the last twenty to thirty years getting a complete repeal of on Roe. This allowed for each state to rule on how they would deal with the issue. Texas has revoked all our rights to have any abortion for any reason.
That has to be the most ridiculous thing for a state to take away our rights in taking care of our own health. Women have almost died trying to get approved through the courts to get a legal abortion here. For their own survival, they have had to leave their home and go to another state or country to survive.
Other than that, if anyone would really listen to what the Republican Party tries to do for us and our country is right on for the better good of our people and our nation.

2 months ago
Reply to  Toni Epstein

Right- abortion is all the left has

Beverly J Pettit
Beverly J Pettit
2 months ago
Reply to  Toni Epstein

I agree 100% keep your opinion to yourself unless your talking to people who agree I can’t watch her anymore I ff her scenes.

2 months ago

Nancy has the right to voice her opinions and those who don’t like or agree can scroll past them. Her opinion in no way affects her superb acting and portrayal of her character, Alexis Davis. Hollywood has actors who are quite outspoken about their opinions and they still rake it in at the box office. Actors are simply people, period. I believe everyone is entitled to free speech whether what they say is liked or not. Nor should it be a factor in their workplace.

2 months ago

She’s a horrible person; entitled to her opinion but deserves ANY and ALL backlash for voicing that opinion, especially when she insults and criticizes people, (Dennis Quaid), for exercising the SAME right that she exercises in choosing their preferred political party

2 months ago

Nancy Lee Grahn is fearless!! She speaks her feelings about what is important to her. Some people are offended by the truth, or by anyone who will speak it. They go to that person’s employment or family or social media and create chaos.
Some people , I have found, it is best to just be cordial and not disturb their delusional self. Go Nancy!!

2 months ago
Reply to  Nancy

It’s her opinion of what the truth is, as she sees it only. The Democrats are not what they used to be. They are trying to censor our free speech.

Fran Harvey
Fran Harvey
2 months ago

I personally think that personal, emotional decisions on an Election, of any kind, should remain “personal” and not publicized against other voters and their decisions. In the past, ALL Election Decisions were held close to the chest, as they should. Making public displays or actions were never heard of, especially from those in the public eye (i.e. actors, actresses, news comentators). Of course, our world was a much happier place back then, and day to day activities were carried out as usual. I see no reason for “some” to go on such vile rants. People are going to vote for their choice at any cost.

2 months ago

Nancy lee grahn is the reason we don’t watch a show we loved and now not so much.Nancy has no Idea about politics.She sounds like a jelous women who has a plan.Funny papers ior news for her loony benge.G.H. why do you put up with this garbage nancy puts out.She is not a good actor either.G.H.ratings are going down.

2 months ago

Who cares what Nancy Grahn has to say anyway. She’s full of hot air!

Debbie Duncan
Debbie Duncan
2 months ago

Nancy is entitled to her beliefs and should vote accordingly and allow others to do the same. After all, it IS the democratic process that she says she believes in… except when you disagree with her!!

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