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General Hospital Spoilers: Here’s What You Need To Know About Lucky’s Return

Some people get lucky more than once in their life. General Hospital spoilers say that he’s back and if it were up to the fans, they’d make sure that he would stick around forever. 

General Hospital Spoilers: Here’s What You Need To Know About Lucky’s Return

Of course, we are talking about Lucky Spencer. Thankfully, the character’s portrayer, Jonathan Jackson, recently opened up to TV Insider about his return to Port Charles. Here’s what you need to know.

Jonathan said that while his character did come back for a short time in 2015, this return is a little bit different.

The actor said, “In some ways, he’s the most like Luke that he’s ever been. That’s a bit of the feeling that I get. In 2010 when I came back, he was a cop and he was trying to create an identity for himself, and in some ways in opposition to his father.”

“I don’t exactly know where he is now because we’re just kind of beginning but it just feels like he’s become a little bit more like his father as time has gone on.”

Jonathan also added, “When I came back in 2015, that was just for a few episodes for Tony’s [Geary, ex-Luke] exit and this is not that,” he said, noting that Lucky “is back in a substantial, real way, which I’m excited about.”

General Hospital Spoilers: What’s Next For Lucky In Port Charles?

He also added that his character “is back in a substantial, real way, which I’m excited about.”

The actor also said that being the son of a legendary couple like Luke and Laura has always been a very huge deal for him.

He said,  “As soon as I started airing, almost everywhere I would go with my family, into restaurants and airports, people were recognizing me: ‘That’s Luke and Laura’s son!’ So, pretty quickly, I realized, ‘Okay, this means something to a lot to people.’ ”

General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

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In the meantime, come back right here for all the latest updates and spoilers on your favorite daytime television shows including The Young and the Restless, The Bold and the Beautiful, General Hospital and Days of Our Lives.


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San Lett
San Lett
6 months ago

I am so glad Lucky is back. But can’t you writers find a new way to bring back characters who have been away??

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