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Ivanka Trump Refuses To Get Bullied Over Her Father Donald Trump

Let’s just say that she’s going to stand her ground no matter what.

Celeb News: Ivanka Trump Refuses To Get Bullied Over Her Father Donald Trump

There’s heavy speculation on social media that suggests Ivanka Trump refuses to get bullied over her father, Donald Trump.

She’s certainly dealt with enough with her father being president of the country and all of the scandals and controversies surrounding him.

But now that he’s a convicted felon, Ivanka simply won’t stand for it. And she’s letting everyone both in and out of her circle know it, too.

As many critics know by now, the former president ha been found guilty on all 34 counts in his criminal hush money case.

But it’s not like Ivanka Trump is the one that paid off an adult film star. She just doesn’t understand why she keeps getting bullied for all the things that her father says and does.

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For Ivanka, enough is enough. She’s not going to let it happen anymore. Plus, it’s not like she’s living in her father’s shadow. She’s moved on with her life.

She’s letting everyone know that if they’ve got their opinions about Doanld Trump, they might as well keep it to themselves unless they want to hear from her sharp tongue.

Ivanka is dealing with enough as it is emotionally. The last thing she wants anyone to do is make her feel guilty by association. After all, Donald is still her father.

If anyone has to say anything about her father being a convicted felon, she would rather hear it in front of her face than behind her back.

It’s not like she has many friends left in the celebrity world as it is. The ones that she has left better at least be supportive.

So far Ivanka herself has not made any comments about the matter but we will definitely update you with all of the latest details as they come in.

Tell us, Celebrating the Soaps fans, what do you think of all the buzz in this story? Let us know by dropping us a line below.

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