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Lara Trump Posts Disturbing Photo Of Her Family

She really didn’t have to do this, now did she? A lot of people can’t help but raise their eyebrows over Lara Trump’s behavior in one of her most recent Instagram photos. That’s because she posted a pic of her son looking like he wanted to be anywhere but with his family on Mother’s Day. Here’s what you need to know.

Lara Trump Posts Disturbing Photo Of Her Family

Lara posted what should have been a happy family photo for Mother’s Day but unfortunately, her son Eric looked like he was having a temper tantrum. But other critics beg to differ. And while Lara’s fans on her Instagram account seemed to be full of admiration of what kind of great mother she is (and what kind of great arms she supposedly has), others on social media begged to differ. Some critics have commented on her photo with, “Is she posing like that to show off her arm muscles? Wonder if she practiced in front of a mirror to find the optimal configuration. This is not a temper tantrum!!! This child is being physically abused!!!!” along with, “If you look closely, she’s using her leg as a brace to force the arm back. Not only is his wrist fully bent back but she’s hyperextending his elbow backwards while he’s pinned between her and Eric.”

Another critic wrote, “This doesn’t surprise me at all. Lara posted videos last year and she treats them like dirt. She intentionally tries to humiliate them. She’s sick. She is abusing her son!!!!!! Look at his face!!! He is in pain!!!!!”

Did Lara Trump Go Too Far In Her Photo?

And then there was this comment as well, “What I expect out of her. But actually, it’s nice to see her abusing her own children rather than the children of 20 million people that her FIL wants to deport. Will he also ‘LOSE’ THEIR children to perhaps keep in camps to work for the rich people? How donald ‘s mind does.”

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