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Prince Harry Is Beginning To Separate From Meghan Markle

Sometimes he feels as though enough is enough. There’s a new report that says Prince Harry is beginning to separate from his wife, Meghan Marke. And that doesn’t mean that he’s ready to walk away from their marriage and the family life they’ve built in California. Instead, there’s something else that he’s separating away from her. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News: Prince Harry Is Beginning To Separate From Meghan Markle

Prince Harry is beginning to separate from Meghan Markle and we certainly mean that in a professional sense. He just realizes that there’s no point in them being ‘Harry and Meghan’ anymore when they perform much better as just Harry and just Meghan. Plus, the Duke of Sussex just doesn’t see himself in any of his wife’s projects. She’s got her lifestyle brand, in which she will be selling everything from strawberry jam to makeup and jewelry and chicken feed. That’s a word that Prince Harry just doesn’t want to be a part of. And that’s not because he doesn’t understand it, but mostly because he has no interest in it.

For Harry, he just wants to go back to his roots. And by that, we mean working on his charities in Africa and working on things that have always been close to his heart. Plus, he’s also got his Netflix docuseries on the sport of polo that he’s working on. Clearly, that’s a world that Meghan Markle is just unfamiliar with as well.

Royal Family News: What’s Next For Harry And Meghan?

Now, as far as whether or not this professional separation is going to lead to a personal one remains to be seen. But that’s the last thing Prince Harry would want to see happen right now. It’s not like he can go back home to his family in the UK, right? He’s got no choice but to make things work with Meghan whether he likes it or not.

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