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The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Courtney Hope Opens Up About Sally’s Heartbreaking Scene With Ava

The Young and the Restless star Courtney Hope recently opened up about her character Sally Spectra and the heartbreaking scene she had where she held her baby after she died. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Courtney Hope Opens Up About Sally’s Heartbreaking Scene With Ava

Speaking to Michael Fairman TV about Sally’s heartbreaking scene where she got to hold baby Ava for the first and last time, Courtney said, “That was the hardest moment for me. I don’t even know if you can really see it in the shot, but my body was shaking so bad, that my chin started chattering and it was crazy. I don’t think my body’s ever been through anything like that. My chin is chattering uncontrollably out of this stress. I kind of just went into all those scenes going, ‘Whatever happens, happens. I know, I’ve done the work. I’m just going to allow myself to just be here and, and be open to whatever’s going to come.’ It was rough. Originally, I was like, ‘Are they going to write a scene where Sally holds her baby?’ Afterwards, I was really glad they didn’t.”

If that weren’t enough, Courtney also said that shooting the scenes where Adam Newman told him why he decided to save her and not the baby were quite difficult to film, too. She said, “It was heartbreaking. There were a couple moments when I had tears in my eyes. I thought to myself, ‘Please don’t have a tear fall from my face because I’m supposed to be asleep.’ (Laughs).”

The Young and the Restless Spoilers: What’s Next For Sally Spectra?

She continued, “Mark is just brilliant and wonderful as an actor. To be there with him, and to know the story that we’ve created, and the relationship we’ve built around Adam and Sally and to also know that Sally does love Adam and she knows that he lost a child, too. Sally just can’t get past the reality that’s right in front of her, and so hearing him say those things definitely made it hard to not respond.”

Of course, The Young and the Restless fans will have to tune in to find out what will happen next! In the meantime, let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. The Young and the Restless airs weekdays on the CBS network. Check your local listings for times.


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