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General Hospital Spoilers: Willow Is Wrestling With Treatment Options For Her Leukemia

General Hospital spoilers say that Willow Tate believes that there is no good way out of the predicament that she is currently in. Now that she has received the news that she has indeed been diagnosed with Leukemia, she doesn’t know what to do about her treatment options and how they might impact her pregnancy. Here’s what you need to know.

General Hospital Spoilers: Willow Is Wrestling With Treatment Options For Her Leukemia

Speaking to Soap Opera Digest in a new interview, actress Katelyn MacMullen, who plays Willow on the hit ABC soap, says that her character doesn’t know what to do next. She says, “I think the baby’s health is more on Willow’s mind that her own at this point. She’s already lost a child, so that only amplifies it more. It’s like, ‘I cannot lose another baby.’ She keeps asking, ‘What does this mean for my baby?’ What are the statistics if we start this treatment plan, or if we start it later?’”

General Hospital spoilers say that luckily for Willow, the advice that she gets from her medical professionals is clear enough that she knows what kind of path she needs to be on that will benefit both her and her unborn child.

General Hospital Spoilers: What’s Next For Willow?

Katelyn explains, “Her doctors, Britt and Terry, want her to start treatment right away. But Willow’s dilemma is that she’s in the first trimester of her pregnancy, and if she starts treatment at the juncture, there is more of a chance there could be complications such as miscarriage. So, she has to decide between starting her treatment immediately and tying to cut off the cancer as soon as possible or waiting, which means the cancer could spread, but the baby has a better chance of surviving. It’s a huge decision to make.”

We have a feeling that Willow is going to have a very hard time with this, but will ultimately make the decision that will turn out to be the best. Needless to say, General Hospital fans will have to tune in to find out what will happen next! Let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

Be sure to catch up with everything on GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news and updates.



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