General Hospital News: Nancy Lee Grahn’s Statement Is A Head Scratcher, According To Fans

General Hospital fans know that if there’s anything that we’ve learned about Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis Davis) over the years, it’s that she’s someone who has no problem sharing her views, regardless of whether people agree with them or not. The actress, who recently caught some heat for announcing Ingo Rademacher’s departure from the soap before anyone else did, made a rather bizarre statement on Twitter – according to some of her fans – that has left a lot of people scratching their heads. Here’s what you need to know.

General Hospital News: Nancy Lee Grahn’s Statement Is A Head Scratcher, According To Fans

Nancy has made it no secret that she definitely appreciates all of the love and support she’s gotten from the daytime television community over the years. However, her political musings on social media has left a lot of her fans on the fence, especially with some of the things she’s said in the past. 

While commenting on a Twitter story about how “The View” is having a hard time finding a right-wing commentator to fill in for Meghan McCain’s shoes, Nancy wrote, “Today’s GOP audience has no credibility. Supporting GOP is supporting obstruction to Democracy. I know Daytime viewers after entertaining them 4 35 yrs. Most r smart, upstanding women w/ compassion & common sense. It’s reasonable that any1 defending the GOP now is gonna get sacked.”

General Hospital News: Fans React To Nancy’s Tweets

Of course, it didn’t take long at all for her Twitter followers to weigh in on her statement. Many of them wrote comments such as, “I normally don’t speak up to your opinion but putting all republicans in your own minds box seems extremely narrow minded for you. What is wrong with having an educated discussion with people having different perspectives. Not everyone is an ignorant MAGA hat wearing bigot,” along with, “Keep your opinons to yourself. Not everyone thinks like you. Stop trying to  make people think like you. There is something called opinion. U have yours others have theirs. So respect other people’s opinions.”

Another critic wrote, “All those years of watching you is now wasted. Wow!!! You really drank the kool aid, Lady. Why don’t you just call us all deplorables. Because that’s how you sound. You have sunk to new lower levels. Please keep your hateful comments to yourself.”


Let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

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  • Katherine Stork

    Nothing wrong with being a Trump supporter. The USA is a REPUBLIC, sounds like you Ms. Nancy need to go get educated and stop drinking the kool- aid.

    • Nancy T Williams

      Nancy should be fired. Used to like her, now can’t even stand to look at her on gh. FF every time she is on. She is a racist, and should get the same treatment as ingo and burton. They should have never been fired, I am vaccinated and believe they are safe but we as Americans have rights. No one should loose their livelihood over this. Nancy keep your opions to yourself,
      you are a horrible person.

      • Chava

        Nancy needs to be fired…or I am guessing ABC loves her, I believe they are real WOKE>. I am sick of her and her slamming conservatives. Get real Nancy if it was not for conservatives you could not be the person you and what you are saying. Look at history and even the WOKE community, wow I guess you are WOKE.

        • simone

          What a racist horrible woman Nancy is, why is she even on GH, we can not stand to look at her let alone listen to her nasty comments . She needs to stop putting people down and mind her own business. Bring Steve back and get rid of her, she brings nothing to the show. 🤬

          • Mary Maksimik

            What is wrong with you? How dare you say that about Republicans. You are part of the problem. Not all Republicans are the same.

        • Diana

          I believe everyone has the right to their OWN opinion. Usually I don’t respond to Nancy’s rants, but lately she has gone too far. Bashing EVERY Republican is reckless and hateful. Not all support 45. And beforeyou get your knickers in a twist, I am neither Democrat nor Republican.

      • Brent Thompson

        Ty for sharing, I really agree with you. I can’t stand to look at her or even think of her. She’s a power monger & has created so much hatred for herself & it’s not going to take long before the entire cast take a collective stand against her by telling Frank Valentini, “She goes or we all go” & it’s coming trust me.

        • Lois

          I agree! She’s arrogant if she thinks it’s ok to say the things she says about Conservatives!

      • Barbara

        I agree with Brent Thompson. She’s the one who should be fired for her deplorable comments. We ARE living in a democracy where everyone can have their opinions whether about politics, religion or who stays and who goes. If Valentini has any sense, he needs to stand behind his audience, not this shell of a human.

        • Susan

          I used to love Nancy AKA Alexsis but this crazy, judgmental, small minded, in the Box thinker is NOT becoming of her. I too think she should be fired and am not at all interested in her scenes on GH. Wish they would have left her in jail so we wouldn’t have too see her much.

      • Just123

        Totally agree with you. Have lost all respect for Grahn. And you’re right she has gotten drunk on the Kool-Aid she’s been drinking. I was very wrong about Grahn. She is your typical Socialist Leftist with no tolerance for anybody who doesn’t agree with them. They then bully and call them names like racist!
        Would have thought Grahn was someone who followed actual science and real facts, could think for herself and not believe everything coming from the likes of CNN and MSNBC
        She needs to better educate herself so she doesn’t show her ignorance.

      • Madeline

        I agree. Nancy should be fired.

      • Ann

        Completely agree get rid of her.

    • Gin

      Nancy/Alexis needs to be KILLED off the show.. I haven’t had any use for her character in years. Maybe after insulting the many many wonderful GOP General Hospital viewers, Nancy needs to hit up the drug dealer who is feeding her egotistical ignorance into the bloating putrid excuse for a human that she has revealed herself to be! Oh and lest poor poor pitiful Nancy try to lump me into her warped view of facts, I am an INDEPENDENT! I think for myself. I know that will leave poor pathetic Nancy quivering in a corner unable to function since she relies on what her LIBERAL whacko betters tell her how to think. How sad. I am sure Nancy also thinks she’s holding GH together and she is the backbone of the show since she is now authorized to SPEAK for GH/ABC management. Her comments revealed she is ABOVE the show’s management AND ABC executives!! Nancy needs to be fired for her unprofessional, crap stirring two cent omnipotent proclamation where only GOD is above her. One day soon I hope she figures out, that she is a legend ONLY in her own mind.

      • ZizzyTop

        Should have left her in prison. She adds no value to GH, and honestly, I would totally forget about her until she’d pop up for no apparent reason. And I waited years for Shawn to return to GH and now that he has, it’s starting to look like the PTB are pairing he and Alexis up..🤢🤮

        • Debra conner

          I don’t think anyone should lose a job over this vaccine , now I got mine so I’m safe others who don’t have there’s should not clog up the hospitals because they now have covid and are very sick sorry my opinion , wear face ask or get tested every day what ever it takes , if you don’t want the shot then get tested , but I still say no one should lose a job because of it , we all know it can be a deadly disease , if anything ppl should not be flying to other countries or cruise ships ! My opinion !

      • Cindy Bryant


    • Janet

      I really think Nancy either has a head problem or she just love social media attention because she certainly don’t get much on #GH that’s for sure and that’s ok by me. But this lady just love to ramble on like she as nothing better to do with her time…and then when she wants fan support she comes all this nice person on Twitter so fans can buy what ever she is promoting I just think of her a real fony!

    • KS

      Well to some people. Yeah …trump nazi, bigot and molester. Wait that’s what they say about dems. Honestly I wish every senator was fired and we could start all over …party-I have none
      I think Nancy is well intentioned but teachers should teach. Actors should act and the political stuff should be in the political arena. 60 and tired of endless flame wars

    • Nancy

      I totally agree with Nancy! I also believe that republicans can take a story and lie and switch it all around with the exception of some republicans who are fair! Nancy is totally 💯 right so back off people!!!!

      • Elizabeth

        Agreed. Thanks Nancy. This ‘American Divorce’ talk is scary. Wake up folks, it’s code for civil war. These are not our parent’s republicans.

        • Gayle

          Funny, the saying is these are not your JFK Democrats. What they are doing to the country is sheer lunacy.

      • Deb

        Nancy thank you you are 100% right !

      • BSH

        So, Nancy’s voice and opinion isn’t as important as your’s??

    • Cat

      That’s where 45 supporters & the rest of the world differ. MAGAts keep telling the REST of the world to “get educated”. The majority of the world IS educated. Get it now?

  • Caryl

    She is a deplorable being, not even human….she is vile and has no respect for anyone’s opinion, but her own. She should be fired for her hateful, bullying comments. She is a racist, hiding behind her democratic views. She thinks those who have not been vaxed are the dregs of the earth. Her daughter caught Covid and she blamed all Republicans…she is a very misguided, unforgivable person.

    • Lindy

      Totally agree with you.

  • Trisha Miller

    This true of generalization about a group, in this case Republicans, is intellectually lazy and is unfortunately widespread. She is also spouting the talking point that anything other than full support for the positions of the Democrats is a danger to democracy. Their real intent is to shut down any dissent.

    • stetny

      Absolutely agree. My question is why does she think she knows better than anyone else? And why aren’t we (fans) supposed to have our own opinions…and if they don;’t coincide with her opinions, they’re wrong!
      Never thought she was a racist, am starting to change my mind. And how is ABC (which got rid of Jason and Jax) putting up with her comments? Another question…how were the Republicans responsible for her daughter getting Covid? Perhaps ABC (and GH) should check their policies.
      Think the world is in a very sad situation; with all that’s happening; think it’s time for the soaps to have a little levity and some fun.
      Think Carly is doing a terrific job; will be interested in seeing how she and Sonny will get together again; WITHOUT NINA. Her telling Willow to lie on the stand was horrendous. How many young people are now thinking it’s okay to lie on the witness stand.

      • Virginia C.

        Sonny should not be held responsible for how he felt when he lost his memory. Nina should be punished for keeping secret. Somebody needs to tell the people they did not have sex/affair. Carly fell in love with Jason, she should let Sonny explain his feelings. She had no good reason for telling him not to come home, hope she knows what she’s doing.

        • cheri D camba

          Especially since Carly still has her own home that her mom Bobbie lives in. Yet Carly kicked Sonny out of his own home. I get she’s pissed & don’t blame her but she should go back to her house & leave Sonny to his place.

    • Jean

      No one really cares what you think Nancy, keep your extremist comments to yourself, we don’t bend a knee to your thoughts, as simple minded as they are. This is still America, though your pals are bent on destroying it. In other words, SHUT UP and ACT .

  • Lynne

    Only someone as deplorable as she thinks right wingers are would make statements like that, especially in her position! She is losing her fans – and rightly so! Speaking of close-minded and bigoted!!

  • Joan

    GH needs to get rid of her 🤔I’m so done with her double standards 😡running her mouth about her co-stars 😡she’s showing signs of mental illness 🤔

    • Kathy Spear

      I used to think highly of her, but her actions are disgraceful and GH needs to get rid of her!

    • Tammy

      I agree!! I used to like her but now she’s really going to far with her opinions and others privacy GH NEEDS TO REPLACE HER OR FINE HER FOR LETTING THE CAT OUT THE BAG. I can’t stand people like her with her my way or your wrong mentality

      • Eileen

        You are a actress not a politician.
        Why don’t you join the view. We don’t need you on General Hospital

        • Cherie

          All you have to do is follow her. She is an evil woman who’s only happiness comes from bullying those who don’t agree with her. She’s absolutely USELESS on GH. FF is such a great button. So many agree if ABC/Disney wants her that much put her on The View. No one will miss her on GH & she’ll be right in her element. Win Win for everyone

        • Kat

          Listen to her, well just because she is an actress makes her no smarter or better than the rest of us. I am tired of actors/actresses believing they are the smart ones and the only one that matter. I have never put this group of elitist on a petal, they are no better than the average American citizen so stop with your BS and move on. Actually it would be wise for GH to fire her, before they lose all their fans (especially if their favorites, Ingo and Steve find other soaps to work on) will be going to other channels to watch entertainment instead of the everyday BS that TV watchers are trying to escape. Just look at what these strong arm people who think they can tell us what to think have done to news channels….Most people think for themselves except those who are both extremely left or extremely right. Majority of Americans are decent everyday hardworking self thinkers who may think there is a balance between democrats and republican ideas.

    • Kim

      I stopped watching because of her horrible comments. GH ought to remove her because she is our threat to democracy. If gh does not remove her, you don’t need deplorables like myself and many others.

      • Peggy Kaplan

        I have also stopped watching because of her , but also because of ABC . I have moved on after years of watching , since I was young with my mom . Done with a lot of what is going on with the show

    • Lea Nolan

      I totally agree. She is a terrible detriment to the show and represents GH, ABC and Disney as an employee. She has been alienating fans for years. I am concentrating on the show’s sponsors and how they feel about spending millions in advertising for a show that employs a very hostile and bigoted actor.

  • Kathy

    It’s very sad to see such a great actress sink so low . We all have our own opinion on things but she goes over the top . Viewers are not relating to her anymore like they use to . She wants her own cult and nobody else is invited she could care less if you were a fan of hers she is seriously bat shit crazy . It’s sad to see general hospital allow a person that criticize her fans daily as well as her cast members .

    • Cherie

      All you have to do is follow her. She is an evil woman who’s only happiness comes from bullying those who don’t agree with her. She’s absolutely USELESS on GH. FF is such a great button. So many agree if ABC/Disney wants her that much put her on The View. No one will miss her on GH & she’ll be right in her element. Win Win for everyone

  • Cathy

    Typical Hollywood. She complained about two of the main characters not being vaccinated and took there live liveliness away from them. This is America we still have choices. I am sure if they were tested every other day it would be fine. But being a democrat she sees thing only her way. They only think there way is right. Get rid of her. Let her go to the view with all those nasty women.

  • Michele

    Free speech is often uncomfortable. I agree with her in that in order to not get trolled by mainstream gop members, the View candidate would probably have to espouse viewpoints that are off the wall and not credible.

    • MissAster

      You are as bad as she is . Used to love her and she is still a great actress. But that is the trouble with most democrats . They can’t meet anyone in the middle or listen to another point of view. They hate this country and everyone that does not think the way they do. They support all of the looting and violence and pitting people against each other. It is very sad . And I have no idea what the solution is .

    • Gail

      She is awful,I have loved her character for years,but it is getting harder and harder to distinguish between the character and her because of her hate filled comments. For the record I am a republican and fully vaccinated and boostered up.she really needs to shut her mouth .

  • Deb

    Was going to post a comment, but it’s not worth it.

    • Cindy

      Same here Deb but I said Nancy Grahn is not worth it!

  • Colleen P.

    So here is another star that thinks people care what she has to say. Please keep your comments to yourself. Most of us don’t care. She also should have stayed out of Ingo’s business. If she keeps this up, I’ll be FF thru her parts on GH.

  • Linda

    I use to be such a fan of the show and of her. She is very close minded and way too outspoken about it. She lost me!! People can have their own opinions and for one to think that only theirs is the right one, is so wrong on so many levels.

  • Tina Whitt Graham

    Im totally amazed that she can say and do what she wants, with watchers, coworkers, political figures, women (doesn’t matter color), and still have a job. Let anyone else talk the way she does, theyd be fired. I ff through her and alot of people have stopped watching because of frank and company obviously supporting her.

    • Gail

      She is awful,I have loved her character for years,but it is getting harder and harder to distinguish between the character and her because of her hate filled comments. For the record I am a republican and fully vaccinated and boostered up.she really needs to shut her mouth .

  • Jane Fudacz

    She would be perfect on the view, they can rename it “Nancy’s view”. That’s all that matter to her, she attracts and blocks any who dare disagree with her liberal views! This woman has lost touch with reality!

  • Kris

    She is a racist! Everyone that does not see things her way in her mind should eliminated. There are people from all walks of life and races that do not agree with her antics . I used to love watching her in the past years but even on camera she seems full of hate and neurotic!

  • Allison

    Time to let her go , you fired Ingo and Burton for theirs which by the way he didn’t over half population who has kept her employed…
    By watching I have since quit watching GH after 50 years and will not return to watching ! Graham is a awful person

    • Susiefreeze

      Amen!! Nancy Grahn is a loser for her comments. Woke Hospital is getting so pathetic!! Have watched GH now thought of as Woke Hospital from the beginning. We do not care what the actresses think, but now your woke mentality is showing through on the show. Keep it up Woke Hospital and you will have no fans left to watch your stupid show.

  • Barbie Gumin

    I’m really over her – I can’t even stand to watch her anymore. Why can’t these entertainers stick to entertaining instead of mouthing off and demeaning some of the fans of GH. I fast forward thru her airtime. Just wish she would go to another soap and leave our beloved GH….

  • Lim

    You are so pathetic and hateful Nancy.

  • Roddy

    She’s a bigot. A democracy allows differences.

  • Alana

    She is out of line and should be reprimanded. The most opinionated twit in daytime. Her statements are as if she truly believes she is the only one with enough intelligence to tell everyone else how to think. Arrogant and out of control.

  • Nunes Darleen

    Shes a vile mean vicious person what’s she has done to her costars and fans is disgusting! Only her opinion matters I tolerated sll I could on twitter till she could no longer ger take hearing the truth…watch out for Karma (karen) I mean Nancy,!

  • Pam

    She is not right I’m the head…seriously! She just alienated half her fans. She is dead to me anyway so whatever. I’ve never seen such vitriol from any other soap star. She’s been watching CNN and MSNBC far too long

    • Ann

      I am sad it has come to this! I always loved watching her before, but she has gone too far! I think maybe it’s time she retired, she is old enough to do so! I am also extremely upset about Ingo and Steve being let go over this. It is not right, they were leading actors and very good! You don’t hear them bashing any other actors over their beliefs! Sad, sad, sad! 😥😡

  • Ginger

    Nancy is always rude and thinks her opinion is only one that matters I enjoy the show when she is not on. Just my opinion! Hah

    • LLS2006

      GH – Nancy Lee Grahn.

      She should get FIRED.
      I am no longer recording the show nor will return to watching until this hateful woman is GONE!
      She’s lost it! She has developed and publically expresses a deranged hatred of conservatives who don’t share her liberal mindset and political beliefs.

  • Joan

    I might not like your/her opinion….you might not like mine….but we all have a right to say it.

    • Beverly Adams

      You’re exactly right, Joan. BUT>>> The problem here is that NLG believes that HER opinion is the only one with any value. If we don’t agree with her, she believes we are wrong, and our opinion shouldn’t mean anything at all.

  • Cindy

    I can’t stand to even watch Alexis now because of this actress and her constant running off at the mouth and her opinion thats she’s better than everyone else!

  • Janet Maglio

    Why are you so consumed by hate Nancy? Why do you despise those with opposing opinions than yours? Your decisive attitude will be your downfall

  • Carol

    I am a Republican and just as proud of it as Nancy is of her Democratic opinions. She needs to know people before she berates them..

  • Cindy

    I just can’t with her and her bigoted ways. This is the USA people have different opinions and just because they differ than yours does NOT make them wrong. I’m not telling you that just because you support the corrupt , lying, senile old man in the oval office that you are WRONG…. You’re just deaf, dumb and blind 🤷🏻‍♀️ and you know what they say about opinions lol. Happy 2022 all it’s gotta be better than🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  • Tim G Key

    who died and made her the ever knowing? She is so irritating.

  • Toni DeRocha

    Disney sure picks and chooses what’s they do.
    I’m at Disneyland now and no one has to show proof of vaccines. There is no room for 6 feet apart.
    Lots of people are not wearing mask.

  • Linda

    I always liked the Alexis character. After her crusade to have Ingo fired and now her narrow minded and hateful comments about GOP I can’t even watch her. It’s a real shame. I can always separate the actor from the character but Nancy’s nastiness has poisoned me against Alexis. To lobby for a cast mates firing is reprehensible enough but doing it publicly is beyond the pale. IMO Nancy is not a nice person. The opposite of Alexis. I will never FF through an episode because I love GH, but I will cringe every time I see her because I now don’t believe Alexis’ commitment to justice and fairness. I won’t participate in the movement to have her fired but I won’t be disappointed if she is. Very very sad.

  • Linda

    Nancy should have done her job on GH and keep her mouth shut about other people we all have a opinion but we don’t get on social media and broadcast it or try to hurt people we work with every day life I always loved her as Alexis General Hospital needs to let her go she is running the show I no longer watch it either dents Jason and Jack’s been fired and she’s been running her mouth with her Bullying and she still got her job I don’t see General Hospital lasting that long if she’s not let go.

  • Barbara Orlando

    She’s ridiculous! She says so many hateful disgusting things!
    I can’t even watch her on GH anymore I forward through every scene she’s in.
    I find it funny how we can’t voice our opinions but she can rant say awful things keeps the hate going but is still on the show! But we lost amazing actors over a vaccine!

  • Lyn Hart

    Please get rid of her. She thinks that she is the only person that has a correct opinion on everything. Because of her we no longer have Steve and Ingo. Totally wrong. She’s a Democrat and thinks that only Dems are good people. Wrong. Can’t stand her on GH anymore.

  • Li

    Nancy represents what normal logical thinking Americans think of left wing liberals: deranged, misinformed, hateful, And completely out of touch with reality! Someone needs to explain to her that the current in-over-their-heads administration is actually re-implementing the policy is it made sense and those policies all came from Donald Trump! America is on the brink of disaster and we owe it all to the two people in the White House pretending to be the president and the vice president. Obviously Nancy watches all the fake news networks and gets all her information from the OPINIONS BEING STATED AS FACTS from the completely laughable show called The View! Barbara Walters is surely appalled! The democracy that is lost is coming straight from the White House! Personal freedom of choice it’s still our right. Maybe Nancy should be fired alongside angle and Steve. She certainly has added to the GH loss of viewers By alienating half of America. It’s a crying shame.

    • Jean

      Actors have the right to have an opinion! To those folks who disagree, watch another show. Me, I don’t care about the opinions of the actors on General Hospital.

      • Diana

        Thank you. The amount of hateful comments had me worried.

        • Dawn O

          Agree! Jean and Diana, all of these hateful comments against Nancy are demonstrating what they hate about her…we are all entitled to our opinions. I admire Nancy’s strength in standing up for the overall health of those who work on the show. Steve and Ingo were given a choice, they made it and now are living with the consequences, and somehow that Nancy’s fault?

        • Marilyn

          I agree. Who the hell cates what her opinion is. She’s entitled to just like all the hate mongers on this thread. So many hypocrites it’s actually funny. Why is okay for all these people posting hate comments but NLG is not entitled to her own thoughts and opinions. Grow up People. This is why this country is the way it is. Everyone feels that their opinion is best and no one else has the rights. Just because Nancy on TV doesn’t mean she can’t say what she feels. I don’t see everyone attacking Ingo, or Steve. They’re thought of as hero’s for standing up for what they believe but Nancy thrown under the bus…

      • Bonnye

        You are correct Jean. Actors have rights to their opinions just like everyone else. In my opinion good riddance of Steve Burton, I think he had lived out his usefullness. As far as Ingo I couldn’t see any importance of where he was going. As far as all the hate letters on here, that just inforces my belief of all of the hate we have been subjected to these past years. Now some people think that is the norm. I feel sorry for all of you hate mongers, no matter which direction it is directed.

  • Justine Redman

    I too used to like Nancy Grahm, but now that she has shown her true colors, I can’t stand to watch her anymore!

    Sorry, I know everyone has the right to their own opinion, but she went way overboard with Steve Burton and Ingo!

    Time for her to tone it down!

  • Sarah

    Nancy is a phenomenal actress but a miserable human. She is not interested in having a conversation. It’s her way or the highway. If you don’t agree with her, or dare to even question her, she will call you names, insult you & have her minions block you. I suggested that she have 2 Twitter pages, 1 for her GH stuff & 1 for her like minded, kool aid drinking sheep to follow. She blocked me.

  • Kay Hill

    I am quite outspoken as she is, it is a problem I believe with a late April birthdays , I have been trying hard to tame myself, maybe Nancy should also try to think before she writes or speaks, “silence is golden “ I appreciate your acting. I am a republican since I could vote. I do appreciate others views just don’t push me. We are all in this together, to prove Democracy works.

  • Jeff Nichols

    I agree totally with her statement. The Republican Party should be dismantled. They refused to condemn Trump at any point of his time in office, even when he urged people to basically attack Congress on January 6 of last year. All they care about is themselves and making their corporate lacked richer. If their base think they are working for them they are delusional

    • Catherine Schults

      Finally, a sensible person on this thread. I, too, totally agree with Nancy Lee Grahn. There are too many hateful trump supporters on this site. I never watch the view anymore once I realized they are all corporate shills.

  • Debbie

    Nancy is a great actress but a liberal who hates those who don’t agree with her. I’ve been able to keep her two sides separate but I’ll be rethinking that now that she’s made it so clear she despises any woman (or person) who doesn’t think like her. Signed: a college-educated, conservative woman with common sense and a long time viewer of General Hospital.

  • Linda

    Good grief, I just lost all respect for her, now when I watch her on the soap my view of her is going to be slanted because of her narrow mind.

    • Carolyn Sue Wille

      She’s just a nasty human being. She can have a say but no one else can? Typical liberal. I fast forward through her scenes.

  • Josiane Breton

    Its troubling and annoying at the disparity between men and women.

    The public response to Nancy Grahm and Ingo Rademacher personal politics proves my point.

    Radamacher statement regarding his firing, refusal to get the vaccine, revolved around hostility towards the “left “in particular to women. He actually referred to women as “nothing!” Wow. So much tolerance. .

    Where’s the tolerance for Nancy Grahm? She is just as entitled to her opinion as Ingo.
    I’m not scratching my head over Nancy’s well thought statement that speaks to the reality in our society.

  • Sherry

    Nancy why don’t you run for office as a Democrat. I won’t vote for you, but at least you’d be to busy running to be on General Hospital.
    How do you pretend to care about your fans? How do you pretend to care about your fellow actors?
    I hope they replace McCain with a Democrat. That way everyone will stop watching. Just another waste of an hour.

  • Sharon Cameron

    Nancy Lee Grahn you are a hateful and uneducated person! I don’t watch a show to hear about anyones political opinions, especially yours!
    You are a brainwashed liberal fool! I know you are following the “company” line! Your mouth should be sewn shut, just like a lot of uneducated entertainers! I fast forward Every scene you are in because you have zeroed yourself out! I am educated, I know the law and Constitution!

    • Donna

      There is obviously something terribly wrong with NLG. Something snapped. Of course she has a right to her opinion what she doesn’t recognize is that it’s just that. HER opinion. And she doesn’t allow for others to have theirs. She’s a bully. Racist? I haven’t read her comments in so long because I think she’s crazy so I can’t comment on that but I wouldn’t be surprised. She absolutely needs help. Glorifying in the fact that Ingo and Steve got fired proves she has lost it. ABC definitely needs to let Alexis go so Nancy can go get some help. She had shown herself to be a hateful self-righteous out of control bully. She needs help.

  • Linda

    Nancy is so far left that her eyes are stuck sideways!

  • Anna

    Well I guess I’m in the minority because I agree with her wholeheartedly. The Republican Party is the do nothing party. Every Republican woman on the panel to replace Meghan McCain is just like her mean and nasty and we don’t need another mean rude person spewing hate on the View. If you ladies don’t like her on GH don’t watch her anymore. Just like you she’s entitled to her opinion. Like one of you commented we do have free speech.

    • Dawn O

      I’m with you Anna, Nancy has a right to speak her truth, like everyone here has done bashing her for doing so.

  • Marni

    To kill
    Off Alexis. Her disrespect for any opinion but her own is getting old. Go away you crazy psycho.

  • Cindy MacHatton

    I watch soap operas to escape politics. While I appreciate her acting I do not want to know her views.

  • Harriet

    I agree with Nancy!

  • Annie

    Why do tptb continue to allow this one sided despicable person continue to spew her poison instead of firing her? I guess she’s the only one that GH allows to voice her choices. Between the horrendous storylines, the firings of long term main characters who made their choice in regards to vaccinations and now this loud mouth opinionated idiot GH has become unwatchable. I quit after nearly 40 years once Steve was fired. Why don’t they get rid of her? She has no right to to insult and characterize people who aren’t single minded like her. She’s beyond sickening.

  • Jackie Leihenseder

    For some reason these right wing extremist people seem to be stalking Ms. Grahn, if the next time you notice a few of these negative, unreasonable post’s, I would suggest looking up that person and see who they typically follow. What I have found is they are following people who are still playing marbles with trump and none of them has all of theirs. What amazes me is, u only get so much time in life, you can be indifferent or negative or make a positive point. In my opinion which I came to by using ethics, logic, truth and I have no invested interest in, is the Ms. Grahn is a positive influence on this world.

  • Linda

    She’s a freaking idiot if she thinks the Democrats are doing a good job. Most of her viewers are probably conservatives.I am and I don’t like her comments about us. She needs to keep her opinion to herself or it’s going to ruin her acting career.

  • Courtney Clayton

    Well ever since I read that SHE was a HUGE reason that Indgo Radenmacher and Steve Burton 2 of my favorites were fired because she is a left wing cry baby who clearly doesn’t care about anyone but herself and NOW THIS!!! Well that just cemented that she thinks she is our LORD and MASTER and Clearly wants to speak for all of Us. We live in the USA last time I checked Free Speech WAS Still in the Constitution and funny thing so is my ability to change the channel so UNTIL ALEXIS GOES I WILL NOT BE BACK!!!

    • J.H.

      I applaud Nancy Lee Grahan. Kudos to her for speaking up. All those pathetic cry babies whining that she should be fired, are obviously not the sharpest tools in the shed. Nancy has every right to voice her opinions. People are free to disagree with her views, but to call for her to be fired is petty and absurd.

  • Linda S

    She should get FIRED.
    I am no longer recording the show or watching until this hateful woman is GONE!

    • Corinne Vallone

      I don’t know why shes,still on the show, she really has no story line

  • David Lindsey

    Nancy Lee Grahn is 100% Correct, right, patriotic, Trumpers and the non-vaxers bunch, and the 1/6 supporters, and the Oan, Fox & Newxmaxer cult are the un-American ones, unpatriotic, a threat to all Americans lives and democracy, like Ingo Rademacher and Steve Burton, no matter how popular their characters were or are.

  • Melita Pitts

    Nancy,you have your opinion,now please let those of us that you don’t agree with have our opinions,too!!! In fact,I thought everyone was free to have an opinion,or is it only you and your political party that is free to speak out?

  • Pat Byrnes

    Nancy, please keep your own opinios to yourself. I am changing my party because I am sick and tired of stuff that Liberals are doing in country. I love as Alexis but I don’t care who you voted for or support.

  • Deb. F

    It’s amazingly hypocritical that Nancy fashions herself as a bastion for free speech and civil liberties, yet she wants to shut down and stifle any points of view that do not agree with her own. The First Amendment gives the civil liberties and the right of freedom of speech to ALL Americans, not just the people who align with our own personal opinions.
    To paraphrase from the philosophical teachings of Voltaire : “… I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it…” This is the fundamental principle that is the bedrock of our Constitution, and the First Amendment rights it is sworn to preserve and protect.
    Maybe Nancy should take a refresher course on civil liberties and civil discourse before she throws more shade at other people for exercising their First Amendment Rights.

  • Margaret

    Lost all respect for her. Her story line just needs to go away, keep your opinion to yourself, No one wants to hear it. Was a fan, until she showed how narrow minded she is.

  • Margie Welker

    I completely understand what she is saying. It’s why I haven’t watched The View in years. There isn’t discussion. From both sides of the aisle it is harsh on that panel. You had Rosie and now Whoopi and Joy who will bash the heads in of those who don’t agree with them and from the other side you have the ultra conservative du jour putting you down because you don’t see the world the way they do.
    Ingo would make a good fit st that table should he want it. I won’t be watching it regardless.

  • Patricia Parsley

    She is a hate filled woman, that needs to be let go. If it were ANY man that said this they would be fired. What does she have on the writers and producers and editors?.

  • bonnie pence

    It is too bad the many repliers don’t practice what they preach…. let everyone have their own opinion (that includes Nancy) let everyone spout their nasty comments (that would include Nancy but she hasn’t). Not every republican who watches GH is a rabid hater and Trump supporter, but those who are certainly speak up the loudest and that hurts the rest.

  • Faith

    Nothing wrong with the character Alexis, but the actress Nancy needs to be fired! If Ingo and Steve are not allowed to express their 1st Amendment Rights and not take the Vaccine, then Nancy should not be able to spew her woke ideologically ~ it’s a double standard like all the Dumbacrats push. 🤮

  • Faith

    Nothing wrong with the character Alexis, but the actress Nancy needs to be fired!

  • Faith

    Sick and tired of Nancy spending her woke mind!

  • Carmela D.

    Nancy is delusional….she does not know her audience!

  • Pinky

    She needs to go! People like her are the problem in our country right now.

  • Peter

    Nancy, because of you bringing your personal political opinions GH has just lost a loyal fan for many years! Your comments shows your true colors! How dare you bring politics into a soap. It’s time you move on with your opinions! You know what they say about opinions….they are like….. everyone has one! You need to leave and join the view!
    Done with a political soap!

    • Kim

      It’s okay for you to have an opinion as long as it’s the same as hers. She is a big bully. Who does she think she is? Shame on you ABC and GH for letting this lady get away with this crap. I’ve watched for over 40 years and never been so disappointed. Time for her and her drama to go. I watch my soaps to escape the real world, she has sucked the life out of that. I’m tired of her 💩!

  • debbie

    Okay first things first @NancyGrahn she is not a Star!! she is a soap actor. Two: She should be held accountable for her actions costing to other actors their lively hood by going to the Sag union this was not her call or place she overstepped. Once again an irrelevant Demo idiot thinks she is the powers that be. Think again the only thing she did was help GH and ABC lose their viewers and their fans just look at their ratings Will not watch until she is GONE!!!

  • Rebecca Swartz

    I have lost all respect for Nancy! We all have our opinions but when a public figure goes on public rant against 70,000.00 voters and anyone that doesn’t think exactly like her, she has ruined her role as Alexis. I now fast forward every time I see her on the tv. I believe people have a right to their opinions and a God given right over their own bodies and are the ones to decide what they want to risk. Shots or no shots. When she went after Jax and Jason for their choice of either religious beliefs or whatever it was that’s when I saw again the bigot behind Nancy s mind. The Alexis character is ruined for me. Plus now I see she’s butting in against the GOP as taking away our democracy! We are a Republic! She needs to educate herself on history and our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Like any she listens to MSM and should realize by now that Biden and the Hillary people are actively ruining this great country. Obviously her head is in the sand drinking up the Kool aide. Buy Alexis.

  • Tina

    I used to like watching General Hospital but following Nancy on Twitter and some of her replies she is nothing but a big bully. It has to be her way or no way, such a shame that a lot of the Celebs think they are all that but I hate bursting their bubble they are not. I think the last time I looked it is the Democrats that are destroying this country not the Deplorables.

  • Laurel Anne Enters

    Way to go Nancy. We always listened to Chris Wallace on FOX to hear the GOP opinions and were amazed sometimes by the ideas some people expressed. When Anna Navarro (or Meghan McCain) was on The View it was refreshing to hear sensible GOP talk. Chris had to leave FOX to get away from the crazies whose lies and conspiracy theories defy logic.

  • JP1

    Nancy, and for that matter, celebrities, should keep their mouths shut about their political views. It will alienate half of the fans watching. She was out of line with Ingo when she choose to speak of his status with GH. She should be penalized for that. She is not a fan favorite at all. It’s time for her to move on. Her character is as boring as she is.

  • Suzanne

    Wow! Nancy is an example of why many proud republicans don’t like many democrats. The new stereotype for democrats is they only think one way, and cannot have an open minded conversation with anyone who doesn’t agree with them. While this may not be true of all democrats, Nancy definitely helps the stereotype ring true. I would love to see her written out of the show.

  • Barbara

    Ms. Graham has a right to her opinions like the rest of us. Celebrities don’t influence how I feel about my own individual politics or anything else. In my humble opinion she has alienated a lot of people with her comments and opinions and she doesn’t care what blowback she gets. With that being said MY opinion is if I never see her on General Hospital or any entertainment venue it’ll be too soon. She seems like a miserable human.

  • Betty konopka

    She has no business announcing someone else’s departure and she has no business expressing her political beliefs because someone else doesn’t think the way she does..talking about the way she has is detrimental to GH people could stop watching it! She should be fired her character is boring anyway and now she is..I no longer like her and that’s because of her thinking she was more important than she is, I would love to see Jax and Jason back and her gone!

    • Donna

      I totally agee. I liked Nancy until she overstepped. Even her acting has gone down hill.

  • Shelia i Mason

    she looks and talks like a Karen

  • Amy M.

    Please Nancy keep your political opinions to yourself!!! U think your way & we think our way!! Just STOP WHAT YOUR DOING & Let’s keep the Peace!! 😇