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Prince Harry At Risk Of Assassination

Prince Harry

This might be the reason why he’s refusing to leave the house lately. There’s heavy speculation suggesting Prince Harry is quite concerned that he might be at risk of assassination due to his lack of security.

Royal Family News: Prince Harry At Risk Of Assassination

At least, that’s what one former royal butler believes. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

There’s a new report that says the Duke of Sussex certainly has every reason to watch his back. That’s because he’s facing a major risk as he gears up for yet another security battle back in the UK.

Prince Harry’s legal team has requested an appeal to the High Court ruling that he should receive some sort security after both he and his wife Meghan Markle stepped down from their roles as full-time working royals back in 2020.

It’ one of the reasons why Prince Harry is so afraid to come back to the UK with his family as he doesn’t know what’s going to happen at any given time with their lack of real security. 

Former royal butler Grant Harrold recently weighed in on the matter. He said, “The threat is huge; there was an assassination attempt on the then Prince Charles in 1994 in Australia, which just highlights the risk. I think Harry is more worried about his wife and his kids and the risk of kidnapping plots, to be honest.”

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“The more he does in public as a celebrity, the more he could become a target. So, of course, he is going to take his security more seriously, and this is very important to him.”

Harrold continued, “It’s important they [members of the Royal Family] are given the right security detail. Breaches do happen. People find ways around it, and there’s always that risk, and that’s what will always be in the back of Harry’s mind. It’s hard to say if they get enough protection.”

So far the Duke of Sussex himself has not made any further comments about the matter just yet.

In the meantime, drop us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.

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14 days ago

This is the most ridiculous story I have read so far. What a way to get security….make up a story sone8 e is after you. He is corrupt enough to feed this story to PR people and columnists. He goes to Columbia, Canada New York and more. In my opinion he is becoming a disgusting person.

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