General Hospital Spoilers: Robert Blames Himself for Missing Out on Sasha’s Life, But Is It Really His Fault?

General Hospital Spoilers: Robert Blames Himself for Missing Out on Sasha's Life, But Is It Really His Fault?General Hospital spoilers claim Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) might have surprised Sasha Gilmore Corbin (Sofia Mattsson) this week with DNA tests that proved he is her father, but that wasn’t all.

Robert took it upon himself to validate Holly Sutton’s (Emma Samms) poor decision to tell Sasha her father was dead. In the beginning, he was, as far as Holly knew.

That lie persisted for more than a decade before she knew otherwise. By that time, she may have had other reasons for not sharing the truth with either of them, and Robert is slowly coming to realize that they’re not all invalid.

As he comes to terms with the reality that Holly isn’t all bad, will that mean he invites her back into his life as he comes to blame himself for how this all played out?

General Hospital Spoilers — Robert Came to Holly’s Defense

When Sasha found out that Robert was indeed her father, she was floored and devastated in one fell swoop. He was the most gracious he could have been in letting her process her emotions while making it clear that he was interested in getting to know her and building a relationship with her if she was open to it.

But he also defended Holly’s decision to keep quiet about their paternal relationship — and as the dust settles, that may not be cool with Sasha.

GH Spoilers Spill It Won’t Be the Last Time

As Sasha mulls over the events of the last week of her life, the only consistent thing that will come into focus is the support she received from her surprise dad.

But how can she move forward and embrace Robert being in her life when she’s hurting so much because of it? He may make that easier for her to ignore when he comes to Holly’s defense yet again.

General Hospital Spoilers: Robert Blames Himself for Missing Out on Sasha's Life, But Is It Really His Fault?

Holly hasn’t had any luck getting Sasha to warm to her or forgive her for keeping this secret until it was detrimental to her. If Robert goes to bat for Holly trying to get Sasha to give her another shot, it could put the kibosh on any hope he has for a relationship with his newfound daughter.

General Hospital Spoilers — Taking Responsibility

Robert’s inclination to shoulder any of the blame in this situation likely lies squarely in the guilt he feels knowing that Holly’s story isn’t entirely fiction.

While it was far from her fault that he let her think he was dead, it certainly was her fault that she didn’t come clean when she found out he was alive.

But Robert knows the tremendous risk his lifestyle carried. It’s not a stretch that a mother might think it’s best to leave well enough alone than put her child at risk by involving a father with so many enemies.

He wasn’t always the most righteous man either. If he can see Holly’s point of view and forgive her, it could hurt his reputation with Sasha — who feels her mom deserves to lose the love of her life the same way Holly ensured she did with Cody. Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers just ahead.

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