General Hospital Spoilers: Fiery Accusations, Amateur Trickery, Grateful Fathers

General Hospital spoilers and updates for Tuesday, June 25 tease fiery accusations, amateur trickery, and grateful fathers. Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) slings fiery accusations, Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) employs amateur trickery and Jason Morgan’s (Steve Burton) a grateful father.

General Hospital Spoilers: Fiery Accusations

Attorney Diane Miller (Carolyn Hennesy) pays a visit to Finn’s apartment with a restraining order in hand, aiming to keep him away from Violet Finn (Jophielle Love).

As the conversation unfolds, Finn’s anger intensifies, hurling accusations at Diane for allegedly aiding Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) in snatching his daughter away from him! This exchange is bound to escalate further, but at least Finn appears to be sober, sparing us the added chaos of his downward drinking spiral.

Unfortunately, he remains oblivious to the havoc his drinking has wreaked on his daughter’s life and fails to acknowledge his own role in his troubles. More than likely things will continue to get worse before they ever get better!

GH Spoilers: Mystified Mama Check-Ins?

It seems like Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) is receiving a phone call from the person responsible for one of her daughters, but she doesn’t seem too concerned.

She’s enjoying the outdoors, sitting at a picnic table, and casually asks the caller, “What is she up to, and why are you worried?” Since school is out, it’s possible that Georgie Spinelli (Lily Fisher) is looking after her little sister Bailey Lou Jones (Riley and Miley Plonski) and reaching out to Mom for guidance.

Toddlers, or even those close to that age, can be quite curious and tend to explore things they shouldn’t. Creating a sandpile out of oatmeal, for example, may be messy but definitely not an emergency!

 General Hospital Spoilers: Busted?

Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) finds herself in a precarious situation at Valentin Cassadine’s (James Patrick Stuart) house; she makes a crucial discovery unaware Valentin might have caught her in the act. Anna has been desperately searching for evidence to prove Valentin’s involvement in the leadership of Pikeman Security Group, but now it seems like her covert operation might have been compromised.

Valentin remains composed and cryptically advises her to refrain from responding, leaving Anna feeling a tad uneasy; now, how will she explain herself without jeopardizing her cover story?

The cover was her attempt to reconcile with her ex-lover, whom she no longer trusts. The trust between them has eroded, making their usual spy games ineffective in this particular scenario.

GH Spoilers: Ava Jerome Locked And Loaded

Ava Jerome (Maura West) was fuming after interrupting a private family dinner at Pozzulo’s, receiving a scolding from Kristina Corinthos-Davis (Kate Mansi).

Now, she’s confronting someone, most likely Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard), for being too close to Natalia Rogers-Ramirez (Eva La Rue). Ava is furious and seems locked and loaded as she claims there’s one common factor in all their troubles; could it be herself? She might just end up getting that truth thrown back at her, making her even angrier!

General Hospital Spoilers: Amateur Trickery

Carly, being determined to free Jason from the FBI’s blackmail, decides to pay another visit to Jack Brennan (Charles Mesure) at Pentonville Prison.

This time, she devises a clever plan using some amateur trickery; with a mischievous smile, she throws Brennan a cunning question, hoping to catch him off guard and reveal the truth.

However, little does she know that Brennan, being a seasoned WSB spy, is not easily fooled-he understands the game she’s playing and wonders if he can trust her intentions.

It’s a risky move for Carly, as she must consider the possibility that Brennan may not trust her either. Yet, she believes that her undeniable allure and charm can be used to her advantage, enticing Brennan to share the valuable intel she seeks.

GH Spoilers: Grateful Fathers

Meanwhile, Jason is currently at Elizabeth Baldwin’s (Rebecca Herbst) place expressing his gratitude for her support during a conversation about their son Jake Webber (Hudson West).

Jake had reached out to his father when Elizabeth faced difficulties with Finn, showing significant progress. Jason appreciates Elizabeth for not obstructing their relationship progress, hinting at a potential positive growth in their father-son bond. In the past, Jake struggled to accept his dad’s return after believing he was dead for more than two years, displaying bitterness.

General Hospital Spoilers: Sonny Corinthos Lashes Out

Sonny’s anger is palpable as he shouts at an unidentified person, questioning their right to pass judgment; it’s highly probable that it’s Ava, who seems to be intentionally stirring up conflict.

It’s clear that Sonny no longer feels the need to protect her, especially considering that their daughter, Avery Jerome-Corinthos (played by Ava and Grace Scarola), is already in a safer environment. If indeed it is Ava who is lashing out and hurling accusations at him, it’s a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black!

This argument is bound to escalate to a point where Sonny will no longer tolerate Ava’s presence, period. Despite the fact that she should have anticipated this outcome, she will be caught off guard and deeply hurt.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

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