General Hospital: Steve Burton Tired Of Nancy Lee Grahn’s Bullying?

If there’s one thing that fans have learned about General Hospital star Steve Burton it’s that the only drama that he doesn’t mind dealing with is the onscreen.

General Hospital: Steve Burton Tired Of Nancy Lee Grahn’s Bullying?

Yet, when it comes to any sort of offscreen drama, then he avoids it at all costs.

However, there’s heavy speculation that suggests Steve, who is best known for his role as Jason Morgan on the hit ABC soap, is trying to avoid contact with his co-star Nancy Lee Grahn at all costs. 

That’s because he’s tired of Nancy and all of her bullying. Well, make that online bullying.

As many daytime television fans are probably well aware of by now, Nancy is the kind of person that doesn’t hold back whenever it comes to her opinions, and especially on her X account.

When both Steve and his co-star Ingo Rademacher lost their jobs back in November 2021 because they didn’t take the vaccine, Nancy was the first person to throw them under the bus.

In fact, she even announced that Ingo was getting fired from the show before the producers could even say anything.

General Hospital: What’s Next For Steve Burton?

And for Steve, he just doesn’t want to deal with that kind of drama. Because he knows that Nancy is someone who has something to say about everything, he’s keeping his distance from her.

But seeing how they are both working on the same set of the same daytime television show, that isn’t always possible.

Nancy has made it pretty clear that she doesn’t want to be around anyone who is not vaccinated against COVID.

That’s because she wants to protect her health along with the health of those that she loves the most in her life. That, and she also wants to protect her mental health. Steve could certainly say the same.

Yet, Steve has managed to keep his mouth shut. At least, up until now.

So far Steve Burton himself has not made any comments about the matter.

Tell us, what do you think about this story? Leave us your thoughts in our comments section below.

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  • Stacy

    Nancy needs to quit running her big mouth. COVID is weak and she’s a pain in the a**. Never liked her.

    • Gini

      I totally agree with you!! Nancy needs to move on from this!!

  • Pat Taibe

    Nancy has to much to say about everything especially politics. The director should shut her up.

  • Brian

    I literally just tested positive for Covid this past Thursday. No big deal. Never had it before so I didn’t know the symptoms. I had the original vaccine only because my work required we get it. I also had boosters, and I still got Covid. Steve Burton is well within his rights to refuse the vaccine and I commend him for standing his ground. Nancy Lee Grahn self describes herself as an “activist” but we all know that’s code for “bully” if you disagree with her views.

    • Xiomara

      I had COVID back when it first was known in the USA and it was horrible. I was sick for 3 weeks and did not feel okay for months afterwards. Since then I took 4 injections which did not guarantee I wouldn’t test positive again however, I believe it is the reason I did not have symptoms the next three times I tested positive. I believe those boosters did protect me from the severity that I experienced the fist time. I do believe Nancy should let people decide for themselves whether to vaccinate or not. I did because I was so sick the first time not being able to breathe and coughing so badly my ribcage felt like all my ribs had been broken.

      • Patricia

        I never received a shot,never got covid. Lots of people I know got every shot and booster and got it multiple times and

  • Bonnie

    Leave him alone!

  • Diane O

    I agree with Steve 100%. Life is to short to be around people who knows it all.

  • Gail Goodapple

    I think Nancy Grahn is entitled to her own opinion but she should also keep it to her dammed self. Steve is absolutely correct when he says Nancy is a bully. It seems that she thinks her opinion is the only one that matters. Nancy, you’re just not all that!

  • Ginger

    He needs to sue her or she needs to be fired. If he were harassing her you bet he’d be fired. Covid shots don’t work! My cousin and her husband got 4 shots each and you know what they have? Covid! She supports Biden, what do you expect?!?

    • Doll

      It’s a personal decision to get the vaccine, but remember Trump got the vaccination also and over 1.6 million people died with him as president.

  • Nancy Price

    Nancy lee Gram
    should just quit General Hospital 😊

    • June

      We are all for that she isin’t even a good actor.She always thinks she is right.She should be given a warning and if she can’t follow the rules then give her the would be great cause i haven’t seen any good comments about her.


    Interesting because the people that are vaccinated shed, and can give Covid to the unvaccinated. so I stay away from anybody who’s vaccinated!

  • Louh

    Nancy needs to mind her on business. If she took the vaccine what’s she worrying about. She should be protected besides Steve don’t have Covid. I didn’t take the shot either. I guess she don’t like me either. I had many friends who took the shot and almost died infact several did.

  • Adrienne70

    Nancy needs to mine her Steve said she has a lot to say about everything.And no one is saying a thing about you being a Trump Person.But you not saying a thing.That let me know what kind of person you are.

  • Adrienne70

    I agree with Stacy I never Like her on GH she can’t act to me.

  • Sandra Bridges

    Nancy Lee Grahn is more trouble than she’s worth. If she can’t keep her mouth shut, she should be the one fired.

  • Marion

    Nancy mind your own business. I had covid. I would not get shot .top many false facts. Get shot and still get covid.keep opinion to yourself. BS.

  • June

    Some peoole like nancy lee grahn’s just want attention there self.I feel bad for steve Burton because no one should have to put up with bullying on or off job.She is probably jelous of Steve knowing everyone loves Steve Burton there is no one like him and his acting he really can’t be replaced.The head of G.H. should put a stop to her bullying steve on or off the show. Nancy if she can’t play by the rules then she is replacable.Even actors should be able to go to work and not being bullied.I would not miss Nancy her job could be.replaced.Steve is one of a kind Love him or hate him but he is a darn good at what he does.Good luck Steve we the fans love you.

    • CLS

      I agree! I’m so happy Steve is back! I can’t wait to watch now. Everyone has their opinion and we all know Nancy’s, can we move on?

  • PBJ

    I agree with both Steve and Nancy, I for one got the covid shot for the fear of getting my 2 brothers sick with it both had cancer, since they are no longer with us, I do take care of my mom who has a very bad liver and dementia, so her health is a factor with me.
    I agree with Steve, my husband never receive the shots no issues with either one of us no prolong issue at all. Steve it was his choice as it was Nancy choice. But yes, the bulling needs to stop, if it was handle the right way from the get-go, we would all not be down each other’s backs. Its time to move on, life is too short to have so much hate amongst us over covid, it needs to stop, we need to work together as American should.

  • Marie

    Why hasn’t she been fired for not minding her own business? She is so annoying even her character on the show is annoying. I can’t think of one time I actually liked her on the show even way back when she first came on. Get rid of her.

  • Gladys 🇵🇷 javier

    How does Nancy know that everyone at the awards was vaccinated?

  • Mary McKune

    Yet I heard She received the shots and ended up with Covid

  • rrr

    Nancy is nothing but self absorbed and I for one am sick of her stupid commits we all know she will stand up for criminals but she is totally against health freedom! I have a few names for the Nancy such as Karen and she should chill and mind her own business and if she is afraid of unvaccinated she should quit, I for one would not miss her. Oh and does she live under a rock or go out and about like the rest of the world, because when you are out there you do not know who is and who is not vaccinated.

  • Robin Orth

    I’d rather watch him than her. She really turned me off when she ran her mouth a few years ago. If she is so scared, she can go live in her bubble.

  • Susiefreeze

    Pure Blood and Proud. Nancy Lee Grahn needs to go. You ain’t all that girlfriend!! It’s a free country and It’s my body, my choice!!

  • Georgee Miller

    Please ask her to research how many
    People have gotten very sick from this vaccine, heart issue and blood clots… how many people because of other health issues cannot take the vaccine … do you stay away from those who do not get a flu or pneumonia vaccine ???

  • Clara

    Ms Nancy needs to find something to occupy her time other than trying to make anyone uncomfortable because they don’t share her beliefs in how to manage their health. JUST PUT A PLUG IN IT!

  • Trey

    LOL; so many people clutching their pearls. Nancy hasn’t talked about the vaccines in quite a while as far as I know. This is old news…

  • Adrienne70

    Nancy always have a lot to say and it’s not her business she runs her mouth to much for me.No one care if you like Trump fan that let me know what kind of person you are.

  • Gina

    Nancy is a great actress, but she is not an expert on health or politics. She has an opinion, but so does everyone else. She needs to tend to her business and stay out of everyone else’s.And the powers that be need to stop pandering to one side . This is barely a free country anymore but until it is completely taken over and destroyed the rest of us have rights also.

  • Lillie

    keep Jason let Nancy go

  • Lillie

    Jason is a very good actor and brings a lot to the show,and I’m really glad he came back

  • Louh

    I think Nancy has gone too far with this vaccine thing. If she doesn’t like it why don’t she quit. Love Jason and hope he stays around for a long time. She can take a vacation til he dies! I also am glad Morgan is coming back.