Meghan Markle Wants To Divorce ‘Miserable’ Prince Harry

Meghan Markle has one foot out the door. There’s heavy speculation that the Duchess of Sussex finally wants to pull the plug on her marriage to her husband, Prince Harry.

Meghan Markle Wants To Divorce ‘Miserable’ Prince Harry

While a lot of people had assumed that it would have been Harry to have cut the cord from Meghan first, it looks like the opposite is going to happen instead.

That’s because Meghan realizes just how miserable Harry looks everywhere they go together and she knows that’s not good for their image.

As much as Meghan Markle is trying to keep up appearances on her end, Prince Harry is certainly making things difficult for her.

She knows that if the media picks up on any sort of turbulence in their marriage, they are going to be all over it. And that’s the last thing Meghan wants to deal with right now.

She doesn’t want any more negative headlines than she already has.

What’s Next For The Duchess Of Sussex?

But Prince Harry just doesn’t see it this same way. A lot of reports have indicated that he’s downright miserable. And that’s not because he’s unhappy in his marriage to Meghan, but because he misses the life that he left behind in the UK.

And for Meghan Markle, she sees more value in being by herself than having to stand next to her grumpy husband who always looks like he would rather be anywhere but with her.

That’s why she’s willing to let him go. It might feel like taking a huge risk, both personally and professionally, but the Duchess of Sussex feels that if she could strategize and think this through, a divorce might actually benefit her in the long run.

In fact, Meghan probably thinks she’ll end up more popular in a divorce just like her mother-in-law Princess Diana did after she left Prince Charles.

Everyone is going to sympathize with her as an ex-royal who is trying to raise her kids the normal way without all of the royal interference that Princess Diana had to deal with back in the day, too.

So far Meghan Markle has not made any comments about the matter but we will definitely update you with all of the latest details once they come in.

Tell us, what do you think about this story? Leave us your thoughts in our comments section below.

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Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle’s TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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    If this happens then The Media and its followers are to blame if they destroy a beautiful family! It is COMPLETE selfishness on their part to have contributed in that way. It proves there are so many heartless people in this World who have NO EMPATHY or LOVE in their heart’s. To be so cruel in the way people treat them is disgusting and not considering their children in any way! They have to grow up with all this hate towards their parents. I hope these people feel ashamed of themselves! God put us on Earth to love and live NOT to hate and bully! Would they all like it if it was happening to them and their families! NO ONE IS PERFECT IN THIS WORLD we ALL make mistakes! Treat those that walk beside you with respect and kindness. Murderers have got less than Harry and Meghan have received over family squabbles.

    • Deena

      You shd talk, apparently you forget all the evilness and damage this ugly evil woman did to QE2,PP,KC3,PW,PC AND PC as well as other within that whole RF. What are you deaf and blind to their ugliness that they have shown the whole world on their ugly behavior, kying, stealing, cheating, rude behavior to so many, racial accusations, greedy, causing trouble everywhere they go, especially if they don’t get treated like they’re some kind of king and queen. IMO this ugly MF is an evil nasty woman that shd hv nvr been married to mental PH, cus MF doesn’t belong in the RF. Don’t understand where your brain is.

      • Mary Sanchez

        I totally agree with everything youve said and another thing they need to stop comparng that hateful two-faced witch to the late Princess Diana cause unlike Meghan Princess Diana was well loved all over the world especially in the United Kingdom, I said it before and I’m saying it again she is a nobody and King Charles needs to stop trying to invite her back cause now she’s made it perfectly clear that she wants nothing to do with the Royal Family that’s good cause no one likes her in the UK Harry would be better off without her he never should have married her that’s why she got pregnant on purpose cause she was nothing to begin with just a commoner she is a nobody and she is a snob, wannabe and she will never ever be like Princess Diana who was loved by all who knew her meghan will always be trash and nothing more and had her nerve to marry in white when we all knew she was nothing but a shameful tramp so good riddance and I hope Harry finally comes to his senses and divorces her cause all she did was use him from the beginning.

        • Isabelle

          I do not give you to much of my time, you not even deserve ..calling people trash..from the start..if person call another person trash its all have to do with how you feel about are just soo jealous the steam is coming from your ears.! Stop the hate, start to love yourself first. Good luck.

          • Jazzy

            Oh go throw yourself around your mm, then you can see how mm could care less about you trying to be friends with her, cus she’s only in love with herself and cld care less of you or anyone else. But yet you love that heartless woman and that’s your prerogative.

          • Salamander

            You said it, girla!!!

      • Salamander


    • Salamander

      They piss and moan about the media when they take every opportunity to be in the public eye. Do not ever compare this golddigger to Princess Diana. She is not fit to wash Diana’s feet. Compare her to Wallis Simpson, who thought she was going to be the Queen. That did not work out, either.