Meghan Markle Thinks A Third Baby Will Fix Her Marriage To Prince Harry

Well, color us surprised on this one. There’s a new report that suggests Meghan Markle does have babies on the mind after all.

Royal Family News: Meghan Markle Thinks A Third Baby Will Fix Her Marriage To Prince Harry

In fact, sources say that the Duchess of Sussex would love to have a third child as she thinks that it will help fix whatever issues she and her husband Prince Harry are dealing with right now.

But as many royal fans are aware of, a third child never fixes anything at all. But the Duchess of Sussex apparently doesn’t think of it that way.

She wants to get pregnant as soon as possible, too.

While it’s been suggested that Prince Harry is looking for a way out of his marriage and his hoping to make it back to the UK in one way or another, Meghan believes that having a third child will keep him where belongs with his family.

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One source close to the situation even put it this way, “Meghan is longing for another baby and is convinced that a third child will help get her and Harry back on track after a rocky few months.”

But if the Duchess of Sussex is serious about getting pregnant, it’s not like she has much time on her hands. After all, she is in her early 40s.

Plus, a lot of people believe that Meghan were to get pregnant, she would have done it by now. She wouldn’t have waited nearly three years after her daughter Lilibet was born to get pregnant again.

Then again, a lot has changed between now and when Lilibet was born back in 2021. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex don’t have the same marriage they did back then.

Not only that, but their financial situation has changed and there is more stress in their everyday lives because of it.

And while bringing another baby into this world might not be ideal right now, Meghan thinks it’s the only solution for her right now. 

So far the Duchess of Sussex herself has not made any comments about the matter.

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Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle’s TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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