Tragic Details About Barron Trump

Being a teenager is not easy and being one in the spotlight is certainly even more difficult, especially when your father happened to be the President of the United States. As much as his mother Melania Trump tried to keep her son Barron Trump out of the spotlight, many fans and critics alike couldn’t help but wonder what his life looked like behind closed White House doors. Many were surprised that his wife actually looked incredibly normal, even though his family’s public life was anything but that. Keep reading below for all the tragic details you need to know about Barron Trump.

Tragic Details About Barron Trump

It’s safe to say that Barron Trump was perhaps one of the most bullied children in the White House. And it came from the mainstream media, no less. Soon after a writer from Saturday Night Live was suspended over a joke that she made about Barron, another first child, Chelsea Clinton, came to his defense. She wrote on her Facebook account at the time, “Barron Trump deserves the chance every child does – to be a kid.”

In a since deleted tweet, Fonda wrote, “We should rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mother will will stand up against the giant a–hole she is married to. 90 million people in the streets on the same weekend in the country. F—.”

If that weren’t enough, Barron has also been trolled about his height. Because he is 6’7”, many internet trolls commented on his appearance with, “Barron Trump looks like two kids in a trench coat,” along with, “Barron Trump is literally SpongeBob when he goes to the dance lol.”

What’s Next For Barron Trump?

These are just a few of the many reasons why Melania Trump did everything she could to protect Barron from the public spotlight. But now that he’s about to turn 18, expect to see more cruel jokes about Barron in the coming weeks ahead.

If  that weren’t enough, Peter Fonda also sent out an obscene tweet in 2018 about Barron even though he was still a kid.

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barron trumpDonald TrumpMelania Trump
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  • Vivian Mofgan

    I think the Fonda’s should clean there own houses before they try to run someone else’s. Barron’s mother shouldn’t have to protect her son from such evilness but we the American people should. He is a young man that doesn’t ask for hypocrites like Jane and Peter to love him, but as Christians we will. Unless Peter and Jane find God Barron will be free of their antics and never hear or see them agan.

    • Jackie

      JANE & DIC Oops!…*PETER FONDA.

    • Ann

      Amen Christians support Baron and family

  • Ann

    I think the Fondas are idiots and Baron Trump is a Beautiful kid. Shame on the so called has been.

  • Linda

    Leave the poor kid alone. His life is tough enough.

  • Pam

    I think people are very cruel and obviously the ones who have bashed this kid have nothing better to do with their life then to make cruel and unwarranted remarks towards a minor child. What this child’s parents may or may not do is not the child’s decisions and the children have nothing to do with how his or their parents conduct themselves in or out of their professions. As for the mother its part of her job to try and protect her children however she shouldn’t have to from remarks that grown adult people who play no part what so ever in the life of her or her children. Shame on the somewhat grown people who claim to be adults for your hurtful and unkind remarks towards an innocent child or children who have did nothing to deserve such words as you would even comment to. GROW UP AND MAYBE EVEN FIND JESUS AND PRAY ABOUT IT! Yall clearly have a problem and need to take care of your own business and leave the children of the world alone. Just plain down shameful and pathetic to say the least.

    • Bev

      You hit the nail on the head. Grown ass people saying things about a child. Maybe you so called adults should look in your own back yard before taking about a child I don’t care who the child is. SO BACK OFF PEOPLE.

  • Barbara Brannon

    Why have people, especially those subjected to plenty of criticism themselves, decided they are qualified to judge the children of politicians when many of them want to keep their own kids out of the public eye? Worry about you and yours and leave other people alone
    You can criticize the policies of politicians, but their personal lives are their own business just as your personal lives are your own business too. Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you (the Golden Rule if you never heard of it before).

  • Mattie D. LASWELL

    I think the person who wrote bad about him should “grow up” and get him a tutor to teach him how to write His brain needs to be taught how to write with out filthy words it makes him look uneduction like all he knows how to write is teenage filthy street talk He has no polish.

  • Kathy Thomas

    Hanoi Jane and her brother need to keep their hateful opinions to themselves. CHILDREN ARE OFF LIMITS.

  • H Coates


  • H Coates

    I don’t like the adult Trump’s but really a child come on people

  • Vicki

    Peter Fonda died in 2019. People check facts before you comment!