General Hospital Spoilers: Brook Lynn’s Business Plans Keep Her Distracted From Her Feelings

General Hospital Spoilers: Brook Lynn’s Business Plans Keep Her Distracted From Her Feelings

General Hospital spoilers reveals it took months for Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) and Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) to actually couple up, and now that they have, B.Q. can’t seem to stop burying herself in work no matter how hard Chase tries to woo her. What is it that keeps Brook Lynn so invested in her work that nothing — not even her growing love for Chase — can pull her away from it?

General Hospital Spoilers — The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree

When Brook Lynn first shared the news with her dad, Ned Quartermaine (Wally Kurth), that Chase was going into the music business as an up-and-coming singer, and she was going to be his agent, Ned had his doubts. He tried to gently advise Brook Lynn not to go down that road, and stressed how much of a strain it was on his relationship with Brook Lynn’s mother — Lois Cerullo (Rena Sofer) — when they were both lovers and business partners. But Ned knew from his daughter’s quick reaction that she wasn’t worried she and Chase would be the next Ned and Lois. Maybe she should have been.

Ever since Chase agreed to Brook Lynn’s plan to get revenge on Linc Brown (Dan Buran), it’s been full steam ahead for Brook Lynn — and her full attention has been on work. Perhaps this story started with Brook Lynn seeking revenge, but she’s grown to embrace her new identity in the music industry and she doesn’t want to lose it.

GH Spoilers Indicate Chase is Growing Tired of Shop Talk

Chase, on the other hand, is far more interested in playing house with Brook Lynn than playing music. The singing superstar act was fun for a moment, but in his heart, Chase is a cop, and that’s where he wants to be when he goes to work. When he comes home, he wants to be with Brook Lynn. He’s growing quite exhausted of those two worlds being so glued together. Any attempt at talking Brook Lynn out of getting busy with work and into getting busy together has been unsuccessful so far.

General Hospital Spoilers — A Faulty Coping Mechanism?

Is Brook Lynn avoiding intimacy with Chase? Why doesn’t she want to drop this music business act and embrace just being Chase’s girlfriend instead of his agent? It could be that she’s far more like her father than her mother, and this is her way of intentionally avoiding falling in love. Rumor has it, it won’t work. Stay tuned right here for more GH news, updates, and spoilers.

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